So in honor of Dr. Laura I am naming this apron, "The Girlfriend Apron".

Okay, don't get me wrong---I am not playing down the importance of the woman at home, but I do think we should treat those we love the most the BEST! So here it is. And as you may also know, this is the final project in my Mother's Day Trifecta. What mother and/or grandmother wouldn't want a thoughtful gift {like this easy apron} made by you?!
There are a million aprons out there, but this one was SO simple to make I that I had to share it with you. Here is one I made for my friend Janeen---front, back, and the ties...

This pattern is basically 2 main pieces of material put together with bias tape sewn all around it. Yes, that's it.
If you don't know what bias tape is, you can scroll down in this post and it might help.
Hopefully this tutorial makes sense and is easy enough for the most "rookie" of us all---like me!:)
The Girlfriend Reversible Apron by Toad aka Emily:)
For the apron I made in the tutorial I used the following:
- 2 main pieces of complimentary fabric {20X15"} for the front and back
- 2 more pieces of complimentary fabric for the homemade "bias tape" {3X21"} on the top and bottom
- 1 inch single fold bias tape for the sides and the apron strings {at least 3 yds}

And you know it---I'm going to give this little apron away! I LOVED your last comments about your favorite blogs {it was great to find a few new fun places to visit!}. This time--in honor of Mother's Day--- I want to hear who your all-time favorite woman figure is.
So if you want to be in the drawing just leave a comment and tell me who that special lady is in your life and why you love her. {I know you could write an essay, but pick just one thing that sticks out!} Maybe we can all learn a thing or two. :)
Can't wait to hear about these inspiring women you love. Catch ya later!
I want to say my Mom and I do love her with all my heart. But I have to say one of my biggest female role models is my brother's Mom. (Long Story we have the same Dad) She is so strong and self sufficient and became disabled at 36 and raised her 2 kids and paid mortgage and everything else on $600 a month. Talk about cooking completely from scratch, making clothes, making toys and even down to digging her own waterlines and hole for septic tank. She meant business and her kids have turned out wonderful and she has taught me so many things and I love her just like a Mom.
My mom for her fierce independence & love of all things artsy. Both of which she instilled in me!
My mom of course... not just because Mothers day is coming up, but because of her attitude for life in general. She loves life and she lives for every moment. And that she is graduating with her Bachelor's next month Cum Laude! (Im so proud!)
my mom is the first one that i can think of because she made me who i am today. and, i love how you called it "girlfriend"... my dad calls my mom, his girlfriend! so romantic...
darling! i just book marked this to make for my friends bday! thanks!
Hey Reese,
Do you suggest wearing just the apron and lippy?!!! :)
That would be even more successful... hehehe
Gorgeous! I have to get off my behind and make me one of these, afterall it's Mother's day soon...
My mom, she is the most charitable person I know!
That apron would look great with a pair of high heels and a great hairdo ;) now that would definately make me a 'girlfriend' :)
My all time favourite woman is Madonna... I have admired her since I was a young teen, she just is who she is and doesn't give a S#it what anyone thinks of her. She is powerful, sexy, strong,fierce and independant.
Laurie Anne xox
Montana Mom is how I think of her. Her given name is Daryl Purdy. She is my best friends mom. I moved to MT in high school met Leah and we became instant BFF's. I met her mother and knew instantly that she was the type of woman I wanted to be like. She had a sucessful career, she was a loving and giving mother, she was a devotful daughter and her husbands best friend. She is the symbol of a woman who has found balance and peace.
Love this! Definitely my mom- I've never seen a woman who loves her Grandchildren so much and really makes a difference in their lives.
My mom because she has the greatest laugh and always makes everyone else laugh too.
My mom because she has the greatest laugh and always makes everyone else laugh too.
First off, this pattern is great! Not only will I be making one for myself this weekend, I will be making one for my friend's birthday next week.
And there are two women I can name. The first is my grandmother. She was an amazing homemaker. She could cook, sew, knit, paint, any art form was one she could master. Now I am a stay at home mother (and wife), and I aspire to be even half as good as she was.
Second, is Miss Felicia Day. She's a gamer, a writer, and actress, and all around awesome person. So humble and nice. If I ever get back into performing, she'll be my role model.
It would be my mom. She has always been there to push me where I know I should be and she never gave up, knowing I would eventually learn and find my way back. She is my strenght for my faith in knowing everyhting will pass.
My mom of course. She's been through some much and I still rely on her greatly.
The pattern is awesome. What's the name of the fabric you used?
My mom, she tries to make sure that everyone has what they need no matter if she has the means to do it or not.
My aunt! She taught me so much growing up, among them: generosity, manners, and appreciation for healthy food.
my aunt heidi always just takes things in stride and is one tough cookie. i want to be more like her!
I have to say my sweet grandma. She taught me so much and has great family values! I learned to cook, sew, garden... everything for her! Love her to pieces :) Great blog by the way, so cute!
My momma, of course! She is a great mom, grandma and person!
I love this apron and it's a great tutorial! I'm featuring it tomorrow in my "Future Project Friday" post. Come by and check it out!
Great idea and I love your encouragement to treat our husbands like we did when we were dating... so true!
-Sarah from Create Studio
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