So, since its my 33rd birthday this month I thought I'd reflect a little and actually do one of these "tags".
Ten years ago...I came home from my mission to New Jersey!! As I recall the transition was a little less than smooth.:) Then after some "boy" drama in Oregon went back to finish at BYU & teach at the MTC.
Snacks I enjoy...Anything I can keep down at this point. But when I'm not prego I like almost anything chocolate, "movie" popcorn, strawberries, and my ultimate snack is a bunch of Oregon grown blueberries right off the vine.
Five things on my list...Clean, Dishes, Laundry, Sleep, Watch my TVO'd "Jon & Kate plus 8". Okay, so my list is never accomplished.:)
If I were a billionaire...I would start a humanitarian aid project of some sort, live in a beachhouse on a warm beach that won't have any tsunami's, & travel a lot.
Three bad habits:Not calling people back (Sorry everyone!:)
Procrastinating things
Giving Bob a hard time
Places I've lived...Utah
Seattle (Vashon Island)
New Jersey & New York
Places I've Been...(Not necessarily that I can spell:)
West: Utah,Oregon,Washington,Idaho,Montana,California,Nevada,New Mexico,Colorado, Wyoming
South:Texas, Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana
East Coast: Jersey, NY, Boston, Pennsylvania, Baltimore, Washington DC, W. Virginia, S. Carolina, Florida
Canada (BC & Alberta)
Mexico (Tijuana, Puerta V, Cancun)
Middle East: Israel, Egypt, Jordan, border of Syria
Europe: England, France, Italy
Things people don't know about me...I don't really want to answer this because if people don't know them there is probably a reason why!:) I would say that most people (unless they were with me) don't know that I've swam in the Dead Sea. (And it was very salty!)
I tag Tanya since she may be the one only who consistently reads/comments on my blog.:)