Yes! Aidan was born on Thursday August 7 at 6:57 PM & weighed 7 lbs. I actually woke up to my water breaking about 8 AM & there was no turning back! Labor wasn't too bad (with the epidural of course) & I only had push for 12 minutes!
Aidan was about 3 weeks early, but scored a 10 on his apgar test and is a fiesty little fellow. His name actually means "little fire". His middle name "Marden" is after my grandpa Robert Marden Johnson. (I'll have to do a post soon about what a great man he is.)
Aidan looks alot like Bob-except for his hair...its so thick & dark!(Although they both have hair that likes to stick up in the back!:) We are so excited to have him join our family!
Ethan's first look at his brother. Aunt Kathryn is holding Aidan. (Matt & Kathryn were so great to take off work and watch Ethan all day!) So far the adjustment hasn't been too bad...except that Ethan started to gag after watching me change a poopy diaper.:)
Emily...congratulations! Aidan is a beautiful baby. You look good too for just having a baby. I can't wait to hear all your baby updates. I love you!
oh my goodness! what a cutie. Oh how i miss seeing you guys. Guess I will have to come up and see this cute little stinker. hope you are feeling well.
Yeah! He's here! He is adorable. I am glad everything went well. You look great!
Congrats to you. I hope that you are getting a bit more sleep than me!! If not I think we can just get together and hang out all night. He is sooo cute and I can't wait to hear all the details. You can call day or night.
Love you all
Yeah!!! Congrats on your sweet baby. He is darling!! Love the name too!
I'm so glad your little guy made it here healthy and early..lucky you!! Enjoy!
Congrats again! We loved seeing you guys the other day, and Aidan is adorable! Send me a note, and I'll get my blog info to you. Lisa Ballard
YOU DID IT, EMILY!! And he is so beautiful (and so worth it, eh!) I am so happy for you and your family. We will be in touch later ... in the mean time, enjoy every precious, tiny, moment!
I can't wait to meet that little guy in person! I hope you're doing well and getting a little rest. We love you guys!
Congratulations on the darling baby boy! I am so happy for you guys. I hope all is going well!
Yay! Congratulations! He does look like Bob.
Yes! I'm so happy you are doing well! Welcome Aiden! I'm sure we'll have an initiation into Hootie's fan-club sooner or later, so I better make sure he pays as much attention to me as possible before Hootie takes over the world! I can't wait to come home and visit you and your sweet little family. Love you Emily!
Congrats!! Two boys. Good luck. :) You've got your football team started at least.
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