If you've ever left your camera at home because it was "too much trouble"...just stop. Yes, your phone will take a picture but will it be the quality you are hoping for?!
There been an interesting trend in the photography industry the past few years. As soon as the DSLR cameras like the Canon Rebel and Nikon 5100 became affordable it seemed like everyone headed to Costco to get one! (Were you one of these camera shoppers?:) But once phones started to take better pictures we all stopped carrying our cameras around with us unless it was a special occasion...are you nodding?
Well, as we look at these photos from our phones and try to use them, edit them, and enlarge them it seems that there is something missing that we can't quite capture. Do you know what it is? The ability to create and capture that photo that we love to have hanging in our homes! Let's reclaim our quality photos with the DSLR cameras sitting on our counters!
Enter...Camera Coats, the camera bag of tomorrow! Gone are the days of big, bulky, black bags! This sweet camera accessory is not only smart (padded & waterproof) but oh so hip! (I think I just heard your camera cheering!)
And this weekend Camera Coats is offering the BEST deal of the year! 50% off everything!
So if you are one of those plan ahead Christmas shoppers you'd better jump on this one! Talk about the best photographer gift! These come in 5 sizes & 40+ styles!
So if you're a woman ready to look towards the future of camera gear...here you go!
+Emily Ashby