{Spring Chicklet}
Hey there little fella'! You've been waiting a while to wave your wings at us & the time is finally here! How about we show these great crafters the story of your little life...shall we?
What's that? Oh, right...I'll be sure to tell them about the tutorial booklet that's also available.
{Simple Starts: From Scraps to Stuffing}
To follow along, print out the pattern and grab the following:
To see exactly how much fabric you'll need, just check out the pattern pieces. FYI: All of the pieces fit on one printable 81/2 X 11" sheet.
-Soft fabric for the front and back
-Scraps of fabric for the eyes, wings, and beak {FYI: My wings are made of Amy Butler fabric.}
-Approx 10” of string/ribbon for the legs {5” for each leg-depending on how long you want them}
Aw, look at you!
{Printable Booklet} And now that you've heard the story, you must know all of the talk in the nest...
You can have this simple tutorial at your fingerprints in seconds!
The entire pattern and tutorial {as well as additional added tips and tricks} is available as a printable booklet for $3.50:
So what are you waiting for? You've got Spring Easter Baskets to fill, right?:)
What's that you're saying Mr. Chick?
What's that you're saying Mr. Chick?
Aw, Happy Easter to you too!
And we hope you and your soon-to-be-made friends find their way into many Easter baskets this year!:)
Have fun!
Love, Emily aka "Toad":)