End of the school year...although for us it only means the end of preschool, its still an exciting time. Since Ethan still has another year before Kindergarten (he won't be 5 until October) I decided to mix it up with types of preschool learning.
Since January we've being doing a home preschool called "Joyschool". Its a preschool curriculum (not affiliated with any religion) that emphasizes learning values and taking joy in learning and life.
I wasn't very familiar with it before, but its a great program. You can find more info on http://www.valuesparenting.com/. Each mom takes a turn teaching the kids (typically 5 or 6 kids) in their homes 2 times/week. It was fun for me to teach Ethan and his friends...although it reaffirmed my feelings about how less effective home schooling would be for us.:)
Making great friends and memories was so much fun!
Ethan looked forward to Joyschool each week & he LOVED when we had it at our house. (Ahh, yes... the days when we looked forward to school ---even if our mom was the teacher!:)
We had a little graduation ceremony our backyard & the kids got to sing some songs they had learned... everyone loves a little song and dance!