So, while doing my spring cleaning I came across a few things that I thought would make a fun afternoon project for us to do! This is what I found--
#1 Fun spring scrapbooking paper my dad had given me for Christmas about 3 years ago.
#2 An old canvas that used to be my Grandmas. (I bet you could use a heavier paper or poster board too.)
Excited about my fun "finds"... I had Bob watch the boys, grabbed my 40% off coupon for Michaels, got some Mod Podge, and went for it!
Here's our play by play:
We grabbed that cute paper,
and our Spring cookie cutters:
Then we traced the cookie cutters to make some fun "spring" shapes,and we drew some different designs too! (Like leaves, grass, flowers, you get the idea...)
Then we coated the canvas with Mod Podge,
put the paper designs on the canvas,
and applied another coat of Mod Podge:
Then I added a simple border to give it a more "finished look" & to cover the sides of the canvas:
And Tah Dah! Our little masterpiece...