Places to visit

Like many of you, nighttime is my time.

Once those babes are in bed I love to just do what I want (or need) to do. Sew, watch my DVRed shows, read (should probably do more of that!!), or get on the computer. Time flies, especially when I find a "trail" of fun blogs to read. (Most of the fun places I find I file under "Things I like..." or "Things I want to do..." on the right hand side of my blog. )

Lately I found several places that I'm excited about.
Most of these I've found through blog hopping--thanks for posting such great stuff guys!
So, for those who want something fun to do tonight...

Many of you may already know about Tip Junkie, its a "big" site with a lot of ideas. Almost overwhelming for me, but I like to check it every now and then for tips...

. Love it.

Its basically an ebay for people to sell handmade things. You wouldn't believe the great stuff on there. Yesterday I ordered some homemade all natural organic body wash for my boys (who have super sensitive skin). Can't wait to try it.

Also-anyone can open a little "shop". Lately if I have extra crafts I've made I'll throw them on Etsy to sell for fun. I've also been selling a Car Seat Blanket PDF Pattern I made that people are really liking. Its fun.

I just discovered $5 dinners (thx Aimee!)...I'm always looking for new recipes and was excited to find this:

Ramblings is all about fun kids crafts... I haven't spent too much time here yet, but I'm sure I will.

My cousins wife Daisha loved this site so I checked it out and its great. It helps kids of all ages get ready to read.

And of course...Tanya's blog.
She is my inspiration for sewing, crafting, & Etsy.
She introduced me to blogging.
She got Bob to get me a sewing machine for Christmas (we all know the impact that has made on my life!).
She has great tutorials and fun ideas.
She is a great mom.
Love her.

Thanks to all for sharing the fun stuff they find on the web! Happy Bloggin'!


  1. i am excited to get on and check out all of these greats sites! thanks for sharing. you need to stop saying i am the one who helped you with blogging because you have done such a great job all by little yourself!

  2. I couldn't agree more...I'm such a night owl, and nights are 'my time' - and Blogging is my newest hobby...can't wait to dive into yours!

  3. Oooh, I can't wait to check these out! I recently heard about Etsy - someone suggested I should sell aprons :) And the $5 meal one... oh my, I might not get to sleep tonight!

  4. Oh, and I haven't forgotten about the belts! I just need to look at the fabrics again and figure out which ones I want. Also, I need to measure how large I need them. I AM shrinking (slowly), so I don't want to add in too many inches...


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