It's Summertime!
Yes, summer is finally here. It was a hot one last week, but we just spent alot of time in the water. We decided to buy passes to Raging Waters (a local waterpark) this summer and so far we've gone about 8 times in the past 2 weeks. Its a mile from where Bob works so he just meets us there on his lunch and we have a great time. Marge and Dennis also joined us for a day and it was great.
Ethan and I both love the lazy river. It feels so good on my tummy to walk in the water, and Ethan loves to play pirates on the inner tube.
Matt & Kathryn came to help us get the baby's room ready yesterday. (They were a great help!!) Afterwards Matt couldn't resist hitting the slip n' slide.
We are looking forward to going to cooling off in Oregon this week, seeing everyone, & spending some time at our favorite hotel on the coast!
can't wait to see you guys! love the pictures. your back yard is so fun!