15 Years! Go Class of '93!

Okay all you hecklers. Get ready for the chance of a lifetime to poke fun at me! Its crazy to think its been 15 years since my high school graduation!! I have to admit it was kindof fun to take a blast from the past as I looked through my Senior book and yearbook. This post really is a bit cheesy, but I had to do it for posterity...right?:)

And I have to give a big shout out to Snakeface, Hoser, Sides, Nhu, Hills, Stacey, & the rest of you that made high school so fun for me! Too bad we aren't having a 15 year reunion! Oh well, I guess our 20th will come soon enough. AAHH!

Go Royal Scots!:)


  1. That was priceless. You even put our class song...Happy fifteenth!

  2. Wow! that was great. i didn't think you were so involved in high school. After watching the cute slideshow I realized how young I was. I am pretty sure I remember dancing to that song in 4th or 5th grade. ha ha! hope to see you soon.

  3. I love it! I am going to have to copy you and do the same slide show on my blog.. since we have had "match match" blogs lately! That was so entertaining! You are too cute.

  4. LOVE IT Smith! "Good morning Scots, these are your daily morning announcements...." Did you hear that Guido died? So sad. I am so thankful for such great high school memories! You are awesome! Let's get us all together when you make it to town next time.....Love ya girl, Sides

  5. Hey Em,
    I saw your comment on my blog and had to check out yours!! Oh and what a delightful sight to see our high school days honored and my huge bangs!! Congrats on your cute family and soon to be baby! I guess you saw that I just had one 6 months ago. So fun! K, back to reading the rest of your blog. Keep in touch, Stace

  6. I had that same sweater you wore in your senior picture. Great minds think alike!!!


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