Happy Father's Day Dad!

What would we do without our fathers? We love Grandpa Johnson, Will, Bob, & others, but today I wanted to spotlight my dad. He really is a great man and example. Here are a few things I love about my dad...

-He is probably the most patient person I know. Even when I hit a possum on the road the 1st time he took me driving he just laughed...I guess he realized it could have been worse. He also helped me immensely during the 1st part of this pregnancy when I thought I was dying.

-He's a funny guy. Not long ago we were watching the old "Gidget" movie and he happened to walk in and stopped to watch it with us. It was a beach scene and they had a some girls walking by these guys playing the "bongo" drums. A very endowed girl happened to walk by just as my dad says, "They don't have bongo's on the beach like that anymore." He was so embarrassed, and we couldn't stop laughing.:)

-I don't know anyone with as much faith as he has. He was a convert to the Church in his early 20's and as far as I know never looked back. He serves others constantly and sets a great example for all of us. I know great things have happened to me throughout my life because of my dad's prayers.

Love you Dad.


  1. he really is a great man. i am lucky to have him as my father-in-law.

  2. That is so sweet Emily. He is great. I have fond memories of Oregon trips with you. How are you feeling? Not too much longer.


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