Its been 10 years...Can you believe it?!

Wow. May marked 10 years since I returned home from my LDS mission. They say you should remember the past so you can continue to learn from it, and since this was one of the influencial experiences of my life it has been good for me to reflect those 18 months of service.

I was changed by many people I met in NJ. So, here's a big shout-out to just a few of them...Siri, Heather, Julie, Jessica, Virginia, Melissa, JaNece, Brooke, You-Sun, Kirsten, Mary Musick, the Thompsons, Shelly, Anita, S. Rogers, S. Foster, the Pyrams, S. Lazarus, & so many others! Thanks you guys.

I feel so blessed and lucky to have served a mission. As I was ending my mission I wrote a few things down in my journal about what I had are 3 things I thought I'd share:

#1 Happiness must come from within no matter what is going on around me.
#2 The Spirit is truly the best teacher.
#3 You must rely solely on the Lord for everything. Everything comes from Him.

I hadn't always planned on serving a mission, but am so grateful that I did. I am a better wife, mother, and person because of it.

I'll end this post with one quote that really influenced me to serve. President Hinckley stated:

"Many young women are serving missions. Many are preparing to serve, not because they aren't married or have nothing else to do, but because they have a desire to serve and are therefore being called to the work. The reason so many are going is because in the next generation Heavenly Father will be sending his Priesthood army to earth. He wants to send them to mothers who have been properly trained and taught in the Gospel, and what better training can young woman have than that of serving a mission?"

PS Coming soon...The McKay High School Class of '93 celebrates 15 years since graduation! Yes, pictures will be posted! (If I dare!:)


  1. a mission really is an amazing thing. i remember when you came back and did a fireside for our ward! you really did a great job. i can't wait to go someday.

  2. Emily - it's a little scarey how similar our blogs are. Disneyland, preschool graduation, 15 year class reunion coming up.. hmm. Your mission pictures are fantastic! You had great hair.:) Anyway, it's been fun getting to know you guys! Hopefully you decide to stay here forever (instead of Oregon).


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