Simple Things Sunday: The Zoo

{Picture Time}
Can you find the little duck that Aidan is taking a picture of?  

With the warmer temps last week we headed off on a little adventure to the zoo.  Just Aidan & I.   It was "his" time and I just followed him where ever he wanted to go.  It was one of those days that you want to hold onto for long, long time.  Hand in hand we hit he train, the playground, and oh yeah...we saw a few animals too. 

Big Can Bouquet!

{Flower Ville}
Do you think its a coincidence that Mother's Day is in May when flowers are in full bloom?  I'm thinking that whoever makes the calendar may have had Mother's in mind when he picked the month!

If you're in a area that fresh flowers are hard to come by, here's a simple solution for that lady you love so much...a Big Can Bouquet of tissue paper flowers!   

Aren't they pretty?!

{Queen Bee}
Last weekend I decorated my little Camera Coat booth for the Queen Bee Market.  Only a few things ever turn out how I imagined, and this is not one of them.  I wrapped up these cans in fabric and then I was going to glue flowers to the to of the lids.  Never happened.  I totally ran out of time.

So the cans sat by themselves on the shelves...which was cute, but not THAT cute.

It wasn't until I got home that I realized how cute these flowers would be IN the cans...but hey, now we know! ;)

{Can Mania}
You may remember these little guys from last year.   I can't get enough of these cute cans and have them all of over my house.

As you can see, this year we upgraded to the Big cans.  Coffee cans will work for this one as well as those food storage cans you have stashed away.  {You could actually do this with the food still in them and they'd be super cute in your cabinet or on your counter!}

You just wrap them up!  

I measured the length and width and then cut the fabric to fit around the can...leaving the edges to overlap a bit.  I used hot glue to stick it on the can {since I have no patience}, but I'm sure Modge Podge or any type of glue would work.

NOTE: Keep in mind you can use these cans for much more than a table centerpiece!!  I have one in my bathroom that hold my brushes and straightener, they'd be awesome with large utensils, or you could even storage things like cotton balls in them!

Now for the flowers. Tissue paper can be found all over the place and you can cut the edges to make the flowers.  {I have another DIY post on how to make these.}  But I got lucky and found these great packaged of tissue paper that were pre-cut around the edges.  This Toad is always looking to speed things up and this saved a step.

Isn't it pretty?

Once you've made your flowers you just stick them in the cans!

So simple & pretty.  

More Mother's Day ideas coming! 
Love ya Mothers!


{Last week}
Last week was full of fun & adventure and a little Toad's birthday.  Here's a little snapshot...with more to come...well, when I get more than 30 seconds to sit down.:) {You know how that goes!}

And a sneak peek of a fun, simple mother's day gift idea that will be coming VERY soon...(you can see a glimpse behind my new favorite candle in the photo above!)

Love, Toad

Simple Things Sunday: A Fresh Babe

{Fresh out of the tub}
There's nothing like a clean babe...soft skin, sweet smelling, & running around with a naked bum.  Not sure why little boys are so empowered when they are striped down, but that manhood is surely seen around this place! 

A little piece of my world -and one of my favorite things about being a mom- added to Simple Things Sunday via Simple As That.

I can't help but want to kiss that face!  What is your favorite simple thing from last week?

Grow a Gift!

{Veggie Gift}
Have you ever wondered what to get that birthday boy or girl?  Usually I dread it...walking up and down the toy aisle with the kids (yuck) trying to get a present that we'll give away (yeah, that always goes over so well).  So lately I've been on a quest to find gifts that will be easy to get and won't just be lost in the toy chest and forgotten.  After all, if I'm going to spend the money I want it to be worth it! 

My aunt Diane is so great about getting meaningful and usually educational gifts for the boys and I love it.  She's given them the Grow a Butterfly kit, ant farms, books like "Everybody Poops", and other super fun and memorable presents.  Following in her footsteps I've found a few "birthday gift gems!"

The first one is a Veggie Tales grow a garden kit! We love those silly, funny,  dancing, & sweet singing vegetables that teach such great lessons...and having a garden full of them put a smile on this mom's face!

It comes with this darling garden tote & tools.

It also comes with everything you need start your own little garden. Mini-style.

April may bring showers, but we'll make the most of it! Talk about a fun, dirt filled afternoon (or at least 1/2 hr :)!

Ethan has already decide what Aidan should draw on his pumpkin.  Aidan has already tried to dig up the seeds.

I guess the lesson of patience will be next!  (And I hope my lack of a green thumb doesn't thwart their efforts!:)

Veggie Tale Garden Kit $9.99 at Walmart.

{Seeing is Believing}
This next find is definitely a step up from sprouting a bean with a paper towel in a plastic bag. (Remember that?)

This Root Viewer has high expectations among these boys...and I'm hoping that these seeds really take root!  (Although if we can't grow something with Miracle Grow on our side we have a real problem...)

No, this is not crushed up may want to let your 3 year old in on that secret before the dirt leaves the container...:)

Another fun-filled gift...watering, waiting, watching...repeat.

This one even comes with a an information triangle full of knowledge!  (This comes in handy when those questions come and you're like me and haven't had a science class in a while...:)

Root Viewer $9.99 Walmart

{Throw It}
I just walked right by these little pedals, not even thinking twice. But Aidan (as usual) had another idea. I giggled as they flew all over the place, including right back into his little face.
No, its not a gift you can give as a present...but just a little gift Aidan gave to me yesterday and one that is always great to pass on...

Enjoying the Moment.

Last one, if you have kids with names that begin with an A or E
here's some cookies they might be fond of...

let me know what you end up doing with the I and K's! :)

What gifts do you like to give?!

Your gift giving Toady

Come get stung!

{Come on over!}
Mark that calendar! Queen Bee Market here we come! 

Camera Coats will be making its debut here...with a gaggle of bloggers! SNAP is a blogging conference and along with it will be a sweet little sideshow called The Queen Bee Market.  I'll be in and out, but come by and say HI if you're in the area!  The market is free, has some killer vendors (not the hunger games kind), and should be alot of fun. 

And hey, you may just run into your favorite blogger while you're there!  {Besides me of course! wink, wink}

See you there!

Middle East & Magnums

{Happy Easter!}

Hope your egg hunts were full of fun,

and your heart full of hope!

He has risen!

Picture taken April 2000 at the Garden Tomb in East Jerusalem. 

Via Rebecca Balsteadt Cole (a great friend that I met at the BYU Jerusalem Center)...Magnum's are in the US!  For the 4 months I studied abroad in the Middle East I gained a great appreciation for these sweet little chocolate covered ice cream treats.  We would be out in the middle of the desert at some special, sacred site and there would be a vendor selling Magnum Bars.

At each place I would get a Magnum Bar, still down, and slowing eat the bar have what I called a "Magnum Moment".  I was flooded with these memories when Rebecca told me they were here.  The Red Sea, Capernum, Petra, ahhh...if I close my eyes I can almost feel the wind blowing!

Now I can have my own "Mom Magnum Moments" & you can too! 

(and yes, I intentionally got the mini ones--swimsuit season is coming!)

Do you have a special treat that reminds of you a special time?

Well, whether you do or not I hope you enjoy this Easter Sunday!