Middle East & Magnums

{Happy Easter!}

Hope your egg hunts were full of fun,

and your heart full of hope!

He has risen!

Picture taken April 2000 at the Garden Tomb in East Jerusalem. 

Via Rebecca Balsteadt Cole (a great friend that I met at the BYU Jerusalem Center)...Magnum's are in the US!  For the 4 months I studied abroad in the Middle East I gained a great appreciation for these sweet little chocolate covered ice cream treats.  We would be out in the middle of the desert at some special, sacred site and there would be a vendor selling Magnum Bars.

At each place I would get a Magnum Bar, still down, and slowing eat the bar have what I called a "Magnum Moment".  I was flooded with these memories when Rebecca told me they were here.  The Red Sea, Capernum, Petra, ahhh...if I close my eyes I can almost feel the wind blowing!

Now I can have my own "Mom Magnum Moments" & you can too! 

(and yes, I intentionally got the mini ones--swimsuit season is coming!)

Do you have a special treat that reminds of you a special time?

Well, whether you do or not I hope you enjoy this Easter Sunday!


  1. It's Its! I used to eat them all the time in high school in California. Then about two years ago I discovered Safeway has them here in Arizona. Oh, all my teenage memories come back everytime I bite into one... :)

  2. Hey Six Pack! Love the high school memories coming back...perms and all!:)


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