Our little monkey

Aidan is trying to eat Ethan's arm...

We are in the monkey phase...at 6+ months Aidan is now our wiggling, giggling, grabbing, put everything thing in your mouth, open mouth kissing little guy. As Aunt Tanya says: "He's turning into a little monkey"!:)

Although Aidan's short life has been mostly a blurr for me (see my postpardum post for more details), this little peanut makes us smile everyday...he even makes me think I could do it again (GASP!!!!). That little trickster.

He's pretty much your average 6 month old...today at his well baby appointment he weighed in at 18 lbs 4 oz=50%, was 26 inches long=50%, & was at 75% for head size=a big smart brain, right? Well, average--except for a few funny quirks...

  • He takes his milk COLD! Yes, I'm still pumping. (If you missed that post explaining the pumping click here.) If we try to feed him nice fresh warm "just pumped" milk he refuses. I can hear his little tummy growling, but he flat out will not eat. So, I'll stick the milk in the fridge/freezer to cool it off & then he'll gulp it down like he's never eaten before in his life. I'm sure he'll soon love some cookies with that milk.

  • Want this guy to start belly laughing? Here's the trick...show some skin. Ethan will be getting ready for his bath & be running around nakie and Aidan will be cracking up. The other day Bob was getting dressed after his shower and his shirt was off...again Aidan started laughing. Hopefully this won't carry on to his wife one day. Poor girl.

  • He prefers the veggies. Not rice or oatmeal cereal, pears, or apple juice...he likes the nasty sweet peas, beans, etc. (Although his favorite is sweet potatoes which are not so bad.) The funny thing is I can't get anyone else in my house to willingly eat green veggies! Let's hope that is a life long eating habit...

  • Oh Aidan. We love ya! But let's not start crawling too soon okay little buddy? Mom isn't quite ready to chase you around all day!:)

    PS Tomorrow is the big drawing for the ear warmer giveaway!! Yahoo! I'll also be posting a tutorial on how to make them for those interested.


    1. yes! that was just what i wanted. i love the first picture where he is holding his little feet.

    2. What a funny little guy. I was just checking your blog the other day hoping to see some pictures of how big he has gotten. He is a little cutie!

    3. just checking to see if i won the drawing!


    Leave me some love!