Shabby Tough Guy Owl Beanie

Baby, its cold outside! I don't know about your neck of the woods, but its getting chilly around here! I had forgotten that I was going to post the pattern for this great beanie---that is, until I about froze when I went outside today!

How's this for the latest in owl gear?!

{The Skinny}
You may remember this "Shabby Sweet Eye" beanie from a few weeks ago...

Well, making this "tough guy" is pretty much the same thing. So I hope you forgive me for not re-making the entire tutorial.  You'll just follow the same directions, but use a different pattern for the eyes and beak.

{Pattern & Tutorial}

What you'll need:
  • 1/4-1/3 yd of a stretchy knit, fleece or other soft fabric for the main part of the beanie
  • Scraps of material to make the face, eyes, and beak {For the white outside part of the eye I used fusible fleece...I had some scraps on hand...just one less thing to sew!}
  • thread and  a sewing machine--or get some fusible backing and iron it all together!
This pattern will fit a head approx 20-22 inches.  It will vary depending on how stretchy your material is.  I used a stretchy rayon, spandex, cotton mix for the main part of the hat.  Fleece would be fun too!

Remember, this is just a can use it as a guideline and then get creative! 

Click here to download the pattern for the Shabby Tough Guy Beanie. 

Then follow the tutorial below replacing the face features shown with the "Tough Guy" pattern pieces.  The only real change is that I used fleece for the beak and just sewed a stitch across the top {check out the 1st picture to see what I'm talking about}.

If you want to give it a "scare crow" look just clip about a 1/2" across the bottom. I also grabbed some twine to pull the ears together, but that is totally optional!  Now,  just try that cute thing on, trim the edges around the bottom if you need to, and get ready for alot of compliments!:)

Want one? Okay.

Leave me a comment and let me know who would make the cutest owl...your son? nephew? grandbaby? Let's hear it!:)

Happy Fall!
XOXO-Toad  {}

PS  A Commericial Use License is available for this pattern and tutorial. For $12 you can make and sell these sweet beanies!

And just for fun I'm joing these linky parties!:)

handmade projects


  1. Em, have you thought about selling your stuff on e-bay too? I think you would do good.

  2. these are so cute. I have a few cute little boys that would love this. But I think my little one would steal it before we could give it to anyone.

  3. Either of my sons. These are cute. I made a few and pictured them on my blog.

  4. Adorable! Love owls! Love those beanies!!! I will feature this at

  5. my 5 year old son LOVES hats of every kind. I think he would actually swoon over this one.

  6. My son Logan would be adorable in this hat! He's adorable always but this would put him over the top!

  7. My super cute little blue eyed kid would be sooooooooo sweet in this. She'd love it!! Shes obsessed w/ owls!

  8. Oh how cute! I have a 3 year old who would look adorable in this...although his sister might fight him for it. ;)

  9. Those beanies are so cute! My son Nathan would look adorable in one of those.


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