The Gals

{"Those" kinds of friends}
You know the people in your life who seem to break the barriers?  The ones who even after 10+ years of seeing eachother you are back to "that place" of simple friendship, trust, sharing, chatting, & belly laughing after only a few minutes?   The ones who you are truly HAPPY for their successes and SORRY for their hardships?

Let me introduce you to a few of these amazing friends of mine...

Most of us have known each other since middle school, and some even before that.  All of us played on volleyball teams together traveled all over Oregon for games and tournaments.  Yes, we have history.  And yes, it was SO great spending last weekend with them.

{Nhu's Salon}
We gathered in West Linn at Nhu's super chic kids {and adult} Salon.  It was my 1st time visiting it and I fell in love.  I'll post about it in detail later so you won't miss out on how cool it is.  

Talk about a fun, hip, classy place.

Not only was the "hair cutting" section awesome, but her store rocked.  Yes, I'll be posting more...I can't help myself!:)

{Our 1st Stop}
Pedi's & and the beginning of our stomach muscle workout...

{The Lake}
In keep with last year's outdoor get-together hanging out at the coast, Nicole invited us to her park at Lake Oswego.  Okay, maybe it isn't exactly hers, but she has the hook ups & we had a blast! 
{Some of these pictures I stole from Sides...thanks Jen!!}

We pulled out the blankets & broke into the "snacks".  Well, it was more like a meal, but who was the gals we were there for!

I even contributed with these lemon marion berry scones I made.  I know.  I'm a wild woman.  I even picked the berries myself.  And don't know you'll be hearing more about them.;)

Is there anything better than cherished friendships?  

Laurie & Amy

Awww.  Love them.

{The Pad}
Then is was back to Nhu's pad for more catching up.  A restaurant would have been WAY to distracting.  By the way--10+ hours hardly cuts it with friends like these, but I'm not complaining.  I cherished every minute.  Jen even brought her old yearbooks and {of course} her Senior Book so we could go back to the past.   And wow.

Cute baby Tatum even joined in on the fun!  Nicole aka Snakeface had her about 3 months ago and she couldn't be a better baby.  I don't think my boys ever just played and then fell asleep on my like this!  Love that babe.

Thanks for a fun time gals!

These types of friendships are truly blessings from above.  

Even if you end up with rabbit ears...

Love you guys!  Let's do it again next summer!! {And hopefully Stacey and Josh will come too!}

PS I have some fun Oregon stuff coming your way soon!


  1. AHHH, looks like so much fun! I SOOOO wish that I could have been there. Thanks for posting such awesome pictures! Next year is the year I come!

  2. Way to capture the essence of the day! Loved the day, loved the story, love the memories. We are lucky to have each other...even if it is for one day. So great to see you Em!


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