Only 4 Weeks

{"The" Month}

Them: "I hear you're going to Oregon to visit your family."
Me: "Yeah, I'm really excited."
Them: "How long will you be gone?"
Me: "Oh, about a month."
Them: "Whoa. That's a long time!"
Me: "You can't beat Oregon summers or being around my family."

If you read any of my posts from our trip last summer, then you already have an idea what I'm talking about. 

If not, hold on. 

You are about to learn more about Oregon {and my family} than you ever dreamed.  You'll laugh, cry, and gain a few pounds with me.  But hang in will totally pay off.  If there is ever an "Oregon Appreciation 101" class you'll be sure to ace it.

Let's start with Gram.  Right now she is totally mad at me for posting this picture, but I couldn't help it.  {She pretty much hates pictures. Sorry Gram!}

This sweet lady just relocated to Oregon last year from Southern Cal.   I know.  I think the wet, cold winter just about did her in. But hey, she's smiling now!

Dad took this pict right {complete with a red camping chair on my right shoulder} before she took me out to lunch the other day. It was so great. We sat outside, ate fresh yummy seafood,  and enjoyed the 80ish degree weather.  Then we headed to the "theater" as she calls it for an action adventure flick. 

{Mom & Dad, thanks again for volunteering to take on the boys for a few hours!!}

And no, we didn't coordinate our shirts. {But I did sew the ruffle on mine!:)} I guess that's genetics for ya!:)  I'm just hoping I can age as gracefully as she has...isn't she so cute?!

{The Land}
Every boy needs room to roam free.  The end.

Growing up on 5 acres was so great. Despite chasing run-away cows at 10PM in the pouring rain, sleeping 3 kids to a bedroom in our small "farm" house {I'm the oldest of 6}, and having to mow the lawn for hours... I wouldn't trade it for the world.

Sidebar: Although my brothers will tease me about it...I still think I'm hard or hearing from being on the mowers for hours with my "walkman"  headphones playing Cindy Lauper as loud as possible. Yes, I talk loud.  You make the call.:)

This kid is having the time of his life here.  I caught him running outside in his PJ's tonight.  He sneeks out the backdoor every chance he gets.  Oh, and he totally puts Ethan's visor on backwards...he always does.

{Hike #1}
I'm labeling this Hike #1 because I'm hoping there will be more before this trip is over. 

Every Memorial Day for my mom's birthday she picks a hike for the whole family to go on. {If you want to see a super great video of this year's hike its on my brother Peter's blog...he's a is a cool little movie.} 

Living so far away we have yet to go on the hike...until now.  She wanted to go on this hike in May, but the trail was closed.  It was our big break.

It was 1 mile to the falls, and this kid literally {not the guy pictured above} ran the entire way.  Well, except when I feared for his life and picked him up so he wouldn't fall off the edge of the path towards the end.

Being the great mom that I am, I took the picture BEFORE I kept him from falling off the bridge.

Can you find the wildlife at the bottom of the falls?  They even come with camera's here!

And we wonder where Ethan gets his funny little "picture grin"...ummmmm...yeah.  Oh daddy-o.

Aidan ran downhill, and he couldn't sit enough going back up. 

Hauling that kid---with a stinky diaper no less--- was the best workout I've had in a LONG time.   It would only have been a little more pleasant without the flies following us.  It was either that or carry the diaper...what do you do?

{Lovin' Grandma}

Tonight as I was searching for Aidan --a regular daily hourly occurance--I found that he had voluntarily crawled up onto my mom's lap. It was so sweet.

{He actually likes to try and hide from me. Today I thought he escaped out the front door and was running down the road so I was frantically racing around trying to find him.   He was totally hiding quietly in his pack and play. Tanya {my sister in law} watched him peek out and then hide from me. I know, heaven help me.}

If you are one of the lucky ones who lives close to your parents/grandparents don't take it for granted!! I think that moment alone was worth the 12+ hour drive.

This weekend is it.  The mini-reunion with my gals from high school.  Pictures and stories are sure to follow.

Last summer...



  1. Its Mary's blog. I'm just a contributor.

  2. So fun, Emily. I think that is an awesome tradition. And, you always get so many great pictures when you are there!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Glad you are having fun. I love the ruffled shirt it turned out so cute!


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