Super Easy Veggie Soup {TTT}

{Cozy Recipe}
Its seems that mid October brings an early snowfall here along the Wasatch Mountains of Utah every year!  One weekend its in the 60's and so pleasant and then a day or two later we get snow!  This year has been par for the course.  And of course along with this chilly, snowy weather comes the inner craving for all thing warm!  

This leads us to today's Tuesday latest creation in the kitchen!  (I know, who knew?!)

I tried to find an easy recipe to use some things I actually had in the kitchen without having to go the store.  I ended up combining several recipes for my new, favorite, and super easy soup!

Toad's Veggie Soup

Prep Time: 15 minute
Cook Time in Crock Pot: 4-6 hours on High

4 medium raw pototoes
2 carrots
1 cup frozen corn
1 cup frozen peas
1 TBL Beef Bullion
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pepper
1 pkg dry onion soup mix
cheese (as a topping)

Put 4-5 cups of water into your Crock Pot, depending on how watery you like your soup. Put Crock Pot on High. Cut potatoes and carrots into bite size pieces and add to the water.  Add all the other ingredients and stir.  Cook for 4-5 hours or until vegetables are cooked.  Add a little cheese on top...if it suits your fancy. :)


{East Coast Crazy Storm}
And for those of you or your families affected by hurricane Sandy on the East Coast we hope and pray for the best for you...especially all of my friends in New Jersey!  


Class Treats: Alternative to Cupcakes! {TTT}

{Cookies with Style}
I guess this week's "Toad's Tuesday Treasure" post quickly turned into a Thursday post...but even if we're a few days behind we haven't missed the party yet!  Last week Ethan turned 8.  I know, I can actually remember when I was 8 and it really doesn't seem that long ago.   Okay, maybe a little while ago...but who's counting?:)

So instead of messy cupcakes I decided to try a new little "treat" for Ethan to share with his classmates.  Simple, but the toothpicks/stickers just add a little something.  OOOh, and its just a teaser for the exciting "Lego City" birthday party we will have with his friends this weekend...

What you'll need:
Stickers with your party theme
Cardstock (for a sturdy backing)
Something yummy to poke!

Tip: Colored toothpicks are super fun!  

Grab a toothpick and sandwich it between a sticker and a piece of cardstock...cut...poke, and tahdah!

Cute and yummy.

{Pirate vs Ninja}
Who's your money on?!

The big guy has size, but the little man is feisty.  Good contest. May the best brother win...:)

Halloween Mobile Tree via Aidan {TTT}

{Find a Stick}
For this "Toad's Tuesday Treasure" you'll need a good stick finder. This can be you or you can recruit someone a little closer to the ground to do your dirty work.   {Aidan (4) hopped off the bus and found this great stick which is how this all got started!}

You will need a stick that looks somewhat like this...

Then just stick your stick in a tin can and surround it with tissue paper. ;) This will keep your stick tree from falling over.  You could also use vase as a container or beans, rice, sand, or whatever you have around to keep that stick from going anywhere!

Now you'll need some festive Halloween friends. I just used the felt cutouts from a Joann's kit I got, but if you just want to make them theses are super simple.  And to make it easier for you I traced these so you can download and print them out (below)...I'm sure Joann's wouldn't mind. You can't really copyright pumpkins and bats. :)


Aidan and I whipped this up in no time!  I love that we can just swap out the ornaments/mobile pieces with leaves, acorns, and turkeys for thanksgiving!  Yes, another fun fall afternoon activity.:)


{Chalkboard Pumpkin}
And if you don't feel like making a "mobile" but want to get into the pumpkin type festivities...

or just grab those school pictures you just got back and try one of these!

So much to do, so little time!

{Fall Pictures}
I wanted to test out our neighbors awesome yard to see how it would be for some holiday picture taking.   There is nothing like asking someone to walk around their yard.  After we left I had to re-assure them that I don't always yell at the people I'm taking pictures of...I just had a few special customers...with my same last name.:)

So here's a sneak peek at my neighbors super cool yard {Thank-you Ryan and Juli. :)} & a preview of what will be coming with your holiday well-wishes.   Maybe you'll get a few ideas for your own fall photo shoot! {You know its coming!}

Love, Toady

Easy Popper Dip! {TTT}

{Toad's Tuesday Treasure}
Are you a jalapeno popper lover? Does the thought of them bring a little smile to your face? If you've ever bought a box of those bad boys at Costco and down them while watching a Redbox...this recipe is for YOU!

Poppers have actually brought Bob and I together on more than one occasion... while watching an entire season of 24 in 3 days ... or just hanging out on a Friday night.  They are good for my marriage. :) I'm not sure why I didn't think of this before.  Why not make a popper dip?!

This dip is good and even more importantly...EASY!  Your mother-in-law will surely be impressed when you bring this out at your next family get together. ;)  I found this recipe, tweaked it a bit, and ended up with this...

Popper Dip

2 pkg (8 oz) cream cheese, softened
1 cup Mayo
1/2 cup shredded Monterey Jack cheese
1/2 cup shredded Mozzarella cheese
1/4 cup canned chopped green chiles
1/4 cup diced jalapeno peppers
1 cup grated Parmesan cheese

Turn on your oven to 400F.  Pull out that Kitchen Aid and mix everything but the Parmesan cheese.  Spread into a glass casserole dish or pie pan.  Throw that Parmesan cheese on top and bake it for 25-30 minutes or until lightly browned.  Prepare your taste buds for a yummy treat! Serve with tortilla chips!

Now you finally have a reason to buy that big block of cream cheese at Costco. (I've always wondered what I'd do with it!)

Emily aka Toad

CB Winner & Summer 2012

{Yay! Tickets!} 
Because of such a tremendous response for the Cornbelly's tickets, I've learned something this this weekend.  Most of you are not my geographical neighbors. Darn it.  :)  

But if you ever come to the Salt Lake Area be sure to let me know!   I have a few fun tips up my sleeve that I'd love to share with you!  In the mean time I'd better give these tickets away to one lucky gal...  

The winner of the Cornbelly's tickets is Heather!  Email me for the ticket details!

{Summer Scenes}
I will be the 1st to admit I am not an expert photographer...but I think its the challenge of learning a new trade that keeps my camera clicking!  

As part of my Best of Summer 2012 series, here are some favorite scenery shot.  I took them all on the Oregon Coast except for the one of Bob coming out of the Great Salt Lake, and also the one of the Timothy Lake night sky. {That one was taken by brother Peter and that's why its so much better than mine.  He's a genius with the camera/photography/creativity. I guess that why he started a digital media company.  Just sayin'! Be sure to go and "like" his Facebook page if you get a second!} 

Tadah!  Now go and practice some scenic shots of your own!  Just remember the rule of thirds (the skyline should be either 1/3 from the top or bottom) & have fun!  You can post your pictures on the Toad's Treasures Facebook page if you really get crazy!

Oh, and congrats to Heather! 

Cornbellys 2012: Win Tickets Here!

{Win Tickets to Cornbellys}
When Cowabunga Bay closed last weekend there was only one thing that kept me going...knowing that Cornbelly's would open! My instagram account is now officially full of pictures from our visits last week & I want YOU to join in on the fun!

Cornbelly's has allowed me to give away a pair of tickets to YOU!  Yay! Just answer this question in the comments:

What is the theme of this year's maze?  
Hint: Visit has something to do with voting...:)

I want you to enjoy these tickets sooner than later so I will close this giveaway Sunday night (Oct 7) at 12 Midnight!

And for those of you that can't see Cornbelly's in person...(darn it!)...I hope you can find a fun fall festival to help you celebrate autumn!

In the mean time, here's a peak into my phone...

I'll announce the winners Monday! Good luck!

-A Cornbelly's lovin' Toad
aka Emily :)

TTT : The Wasatch Front Farmers Market!

{Toad's Tuesday Treasures}
I'm claiming Tuesday.  Yep, I am.  In an attempt to get more organized (I know, its about time...don't judge!;) I've decided  Tuesday will be my make, find, explore, & share creative/crafty/fun ideas!  So welcome to my weekly treasure hunt!  I have lists of sewing, crafting, cooking, photos, blah, blah, blah that I had been wanting to if I set a day...Tuesday... you and I will both know when they are coming!   {I may post other days as well, but this will be my main day!} 

This week I have found a sweet local gem.  And for those of you in the Salt Lake Area this little find may just change your Saturday (or Thursday or Sunday) schedule for months to come...oh, and also give you a few fun ideas for Halloween parties and Holiday gifts!

{The Wasatch Front Farmers Market}
When was the last time you went to your local farmer's market?

If it wasn't long ago...good for YOU!  Buying local is definitely gaining popularity...which is great for everyone. I think of it as a local, live Etsy party! Not only does it feed our local economy, but it allows A LOT of people to be able to make money doing something they love.  And who doesn't want to do that?

I have to admit it had been a while since I had been to a Farmer's Market and The Wasatch Front Farmer's Market was more than I had ever expected!

Here's why:

Most markets have great produce...



or maybe even a cow train.

But does your Farmer's Market have THIS...

{A Kids Market}
How about a place for kids to make and sell their own little gems?

Once a month kids get a shot at being a market vendor from 10-12 PM.  This little Mr even left with $21 in this little pockets at the end! (That's more than my babysitter made last night working for 3 hours!)

Wouldn't these be great to make for a class Halloween Party?

And here's one my personal, totally unbiased, favorite shops...
Sticks & Things ;)

These handmade pictures and frames are so sweet.   (And you can find them HERE if you'd like one!)

And really, how many markets have you been to where a real live witch is actually a customer?

Who knows what she did with those acorns she bought...

{Farm-Fresh Breakfast}
Forget Denny's, IHOP, or the McDonald's drive through.;)  Welcome to the Farm-Fresh Breakfast at the Market...and these guys aren't joking around.  

You better believe my meat and potatoes loving husband was happy to go to a market...well, as soon as he found out about this...

This was seriously the best French Toast I've ever had.  Hands down.

Complete with syrup packets, honey butter, and the cutest little orange juice you've ever seen. Yum & Yum!

And served by some of the happiest farm girls I've seen!

{Thoughtful Vendors}
And here are a few more perks of this great market...

LIVE honey bees & the honey to go along with them. 

Fire grilled pizza.

Fall Treats.  This includes more witches than you'd ever want to meet!  (You know they love Gardner Village this time of year!  It makes Hogworts look like a magical preschool!)

Live Entertainment...

Pretty produce...complete with a pretty impressive apple splitting side show!

Impressive right? I had to buy apples from these gals...not only because they were yummy...but did you see that girls biceps?  She earned my sale for sure.

{Pony Tours}
No, not just a ride...a tour of the market.  This pony puller had this little buckroo blowing kisses at the ladies. I kid you not.  A memorable $5. 

{Wild Bill}
Need I say more? I'm pretty Doc Baker would have been glad to have this healthy gentleman around town back in the day. ;)


Did I miss anything? Probably...there was so much great stuff!  

Oh yes, back to the witch again.  And with this witch is cute MaryAnn...she runs the entire market!  And her cute name couldn't fit her job any better.  Kudos to you MaryAnn and your great market too!

Oh, and what's that you say? You are going to continue the market once a month through the winter? Yay!  And what else?  You are opening a Urban Farm & Food store in Salt Lake that will sell vendors items all year around?  Double Yay! Can't wait to hear more! (I want a Urban Farm shirt for sure!)

So friends, how did you like this little treasure?

And to all of you Farmer's Market loving readers...if you have a favorite market in your area be sure to leave a "shout out" for it in the comments so others can join you in your area!  

Thank-you Wasatch Front Farmer's Market...for bringing me back to the 4-H, County Fair feeling of my younger Tadpole years.  We'll see you again soon!

Emily aka Toad :)