Homemade Push-Up Pops!

{Pop this!}
Why is it that when we add a little plastic tube our little treats become just a little more fun? 

A month or so ago I saw these little tubes on one GroopDealz...a crafty deal type site.  Today they are on another cute site called Rubee Lane, so I just had to share!  They are $11.50 for 12 push pops.

They look so great and are so much fun!  I've seen so many cute things you can do with them on Pinterest & you better believe I "pinned" them!

They come in 3 parts...the tube, the pusher part, and the lid. And if you can't find yours you may want to check the front room...especially if you have boys. You see, they make great little shooters. 

{Rookie Run}
Our 1st time making them we decided to go for a simple trifle.   With my dad being diabetic we made some with this sugar free Jello layer with whipped cream and raspberries.  Then for the real sugar loving crowd we  layered some with ice cream too.

And they were yummy!
Can't wait for the next round...maybe it will include some chocolate? :)

Love, Your Push Poppin' Toad


  1. Those look so good! The perfect summer treat!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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