Toad's Eastery Treasures

{Toad's Finds}
Bless you Pinterest. You've given me my "favorites" tab back. Instead of just adding every page I find to my "favorites" along the top of my computer (yes, there was probably hundreds of little tabs) I have a great place to keep all of my little treasures.

And here's a few I had to share with you...not just "pin". :)

Easter Egg Printables. Love these.  I'm sure when we make them that our little faces won't be quite as cute (in fact, I'll bet on it), but I LOVE the FREE printable clothes for these little eggs.

They are almost like an egg family. Maybe we'll have to make one for each member of our family...or extended family.  I'd love to see my brothers dressed us as little egglets. :) (giggle, giggle)

The website they come from is just as cute as they are & is jam packed with super cute printables, puzzles, games, and clever ideas.  Its called  My new favorite go-to.

I hate swimming suit shopping just as much as the next gal, but when my suit starts to wear thin this is my go-to company...Hapari.  Cute designs & modest options.  I'm not into making everyone see parts of my body that I don't even like to see I got one of these sweet suits last year and LOVE it.  I like that when I'm at the pool instead of looking at my body people are looking at the cute print on my least I hope they are.

Right now they are having a sale on their suits that are already on sale!
CODE: Onsale 30. 
Its only going until April 1, but if you are in the market...don't get on the scale, just check out the website.  We might even be twins at the pool this year! :)

{District 12}
Don't worry. The husband already knows how I feel about Peeta.  He is truly one of this Toad's Treasures...the way he looks at Katniss in the cave, his flour-throwing arms, and his great sense of character. 
Enough said.

The photography type, not the Hunger Games type.  Actions are the term used to describe pre-set for editing your pictures...if you're not into photoshop or such. 

Love this company "Itty Bitty" and their actions...

{Glimmer of Paris}
The latest Camera Coat. Love it. I also love that we have our friends with special needs at TURN helping us package our product. 

PS: Camera Coats is big on supporting our local community...including those with disabilities. That's why we've teamed up with TURN Community Services to employ those with special needs to package our product.

A loyal Camera Coat fan just sent us the following message:

"Hi! I can't wait to order your product - I think it will be perfect since I'm always putting my dSLR in my purse or carrying it around alone (I didn't like using a tradtional camera bag). Just need to make a decision sooner than later!

But I really wanted to thank you for your involvement with and donations to the adult with disabilities organization you work with. I have a 6 six year old son with special needs (Down syndrome) and it makes me feel very good about supporting a company that supports those with special needs and gives them opportunties to work and be valued members of society. It just warms this mother's heart very much."

Talk about "win, win!"

Our friends do a great job and you can feel good that a portion of your shipping/handling fee goes to help them earn their very own paycheck!

{The Babe}
And last but not least, my business partner.   When he grabs my face with his little hand and turns my head so I look at whatever it is he wants me to look at I can't help but kiss his face.  Dirt and all.

He told me to take this picture.  So of course, I did.  And I love it.

Hope you enjoyed this session of Toad's Treasures...and maybe you have a new found treasures too! :)
Oh, and watch your back! The kids are home for April Fool's Day this year...:)
Love, Your Toad

Flower Power

Ever wonder how to make one of those big beautiful tissue paper flowers? I did.  Unlike many of you who have been making them since you were born, I thought it would be complicated and frustrating. In fact I almost bought some pre-assemble flowers on Etsy...until I looked in my wallet and then I found a few "How to" tutorials on Pinterest. ;)

A little toad smile couldn't be wiped off my face when I realized how this little craft was right up my simple and fast with great results!

So Maren (this sweet producer from Ch. 2) humors me about once a month and lets me be a "guest" contributer on the Friday afternoon news. I figured this month was the perfect time to learn how to make a flower or two! 
Last Friday I actually made them...on live TV.  I know, go Toad.

Easter grass, chow mein nests, and a little Spring Banner where also on the segment menu.

You can download your little Spring Banner here. I won't insult your creative intelligence by putting together a tutorial, but if you really need help just email me.

These chow mein nests are not only cute but so yummy...and I thought Halloween made me a little chubby.  My little step by step tutorial is here.

I {heart}growing Easter Grass.  These colorful eggs are so pretty full of grass, but using a regular white egg shell is also a pretty organic look.  You can find my tutorial for the grass here.

SIDEBAR:  Its the perfect time to start planting your Easter grass!  Its also a great teaching tool for your we'll be talking about how "faith is like a little seed" and then we'll plant our Easter grass!  Grass has so much symbolism...

I have to admit the best part of doing the segment (besides having Ethan come and help me set up...he's always so fun) was leaving...

As I walked out with the tub full of these tissue flowers this group of occupy Salt Lake people were hanging out.  They saw me and said "we just saw you on the TV" those flowers are so pretty!   I couldn't help but give them each one...I'm sure the guys were thrilled...but then I had to snap a picture.

I love it. Look at those smiles! Laughing with me or at me? Not sure...but hey, they are happy!

Note: I don't have a copy of the segment...they haven't posted it yet, but if they do I can post it if you're interested.

{Flower Guide}
I just love them... in all their colorful, simple glory.
This is not a "how to" tutorial,

First, get some tissue paper.  The dollar store had some great colors last week.

Grab some Sushi, and then fold up the tissue paper like a Japanese fan.

Once its all folded and your sushi is gone, tie some string around the middle of your new fan.

Now pick a shape you'd like your pedals to be.  I love the sharp looking edges so I like to cut the end into a triangle...

And tah dah! 

There are a million things you can do with these sweet things!  What have you done with them? Baby shower decorations?  Room decor? Let's hear it! Leave a comment and enlighten us!

Keep smiling & happy Spring!
but more of a simple guide.  I am a flower rookie, but if you want a peek here you go!

Aye, Aye Captain!

{Little Big Man}
He may be a little hard to understand when he speaks (that darn speech delay!), but Aidan (3) has found other ways to get his little point across.  Besides responding, "Aye, Aye Captain" when I ask him to do something, last week Aidan has started toting around this little pad and paper. 

It not only cracks me up, but when he puts that pencil behind his ear it makes me start to wonder what kind of big person this little man will be one day.  Its hard for me to see past the day to day grind when he refuses to potty train or throw fits every time we have to leave a "fun" place, but when I can look ahead I LOVE it. 

Will he be a Reporter? Scientist? Professor?  Well, whatever he becomes I hope that his passion for life can be appreciated by everyone around him...especially me!

And if you haven't been over to the blog Simple As That, you might want to stop by.  Its "Simple Sunday"...a time when you can add a photo of some simple thing that made you smile this week. 

Here's mine...

Oh, and a few more...just for fun.  

Makings of the next Picasso? ;)

And when Aidan isn't on the computer or taking notes, he has a heart of gold. When I was sick last month Ethan (7) brought me a glass of water. Next thing I know Aidan brought me this...

What mom wouldn't appreciate such a sweet gesture?  {And I guess playing "puppy" around the house has taken its toll...;)}

What made you smile last week?! 

A Happy Heart

Do you ever forget how much you like something?  I sure do. 

Life gets so busy and crazy.  Sometimes the things we like to do the most are put on the back burner and forgotten. 

I have my sewing machine sitting on my kitchen table.  I leave it there on purpose so that when I walk by I remember all of the fun little projects I have to work on.  Unfortunately it sits there for long periods of time untouched.  Neglected.

Finally last week I pulled out some fabric and started working on few projects...and a little fire started burning inside of me. I had forgotten how happy my little hearts gets when I start creating little things. 

I think sewing does it for me because I'm really not that good at it and I have to focus.  The focusing clears my mind of worries, lists, and everything else because I HAVE to I don't ruin my projects too much.;)   Time flies and I feel creative and productive.  That's a good thing to remember.

To make a short story long ;), if you've been waiting for me to post some new tutorials, they are in the works.  And I'm excited about it.

Fabric: Riley Blake, Farm Fresh collection

{A Happy Baby}
And while my heart is happy when I'm creating, this little guy's heart is happy by playing.  And if you have one of these sweet people around you place you may understand exactly what I'm talking about.

We think we have to buy toys and take trips to enrich the lives of our little ones, but it really doesn't take that much. 

What makes your little heart happy?! 
If you have a minute, let us know!

Snow Angel @ I { Heart} Faces: Beautiful B&W

{Snow Angel}

Theme: Beautiful B&W
Photo Challenge: I {Heart} Faces

The shot:  I can't help but melt. 

Photo Challenge Submission

Jenn's Flower: Simple Picture Tutorial

{Simple & Sweet}
How cute is this flower? My friend Jenn (who has a super cute hat & photo prop shop) made some flowers for a hair clip prop and they were so sweet.  From her description of what to do I decided to venture off and try it for myself. 

So, here's a simple picture tutorial for Jenn's flower:

As seen on the latest Camera Coats...

{The Picture Tutorial}
And off we go!

Cut a strip of fabric about 2 inches wide and as long as you'd like it...this flower was aobut 8-9 inches long.  But if you'd like a larger flower just make ths strip longer.

Flip it over.

Put hot glue down one end of the strip.

And fold it over. 

Then on the folded end cut down 1/2"...but NOT all the way through.  Space the cuts about 1/3" apart.

Now add some hot glue along the bottom...

and roll that strip right up!  Just be careful...that hot glue may be wanting to meet those gorgeous little fingers of yours!

Flip the flower and hot glue the underside just to make sure it stays together.

And tah dah! Isn't that pretty?

Such a sweet embellishment for a headband, hair clip, dress, or a Camera Coat!:)

Thanks Jenn! And be sure to check out some of her cute hats and camera props at The BlueBerry Hill!
