The Tutorial Booklet & Free MWL Printable

{The Booklet}
Tired of finding ideas & tutorials you love, cutting and pasting them into a doc so they are easy for you to find, and then printing them out only to lose them?  Its like the instructions you get with lego sets...which are my life right now.  Its so exciting {well, for the kids;)} to open a brand new lego set only to realize that 2 seconds later the directions are lost!

Problem solved.  Well, at least for my Trey's Owl pattern and tutorial.   If you like this little project you may be happy about this one.  {If you missed it, you can see the entire post of how to make this cute owl--just click here.}

This is a test run.  And if all goes well, this one won't be the last!

{Yours Forever}
How does it work?  3 simple steps.

1) You download and print out the pattern pieces and instructions.

2) Follow the dotted lines to cut out your pages...

3) Put your pages in order and staple the booklet together.  {The markings on the cover show you where.}

Tah Dah!  Your own little "Trey's Owl Booklet" complete with step by step instructions!

{Bonus Features}
But wait, that's not all!;) My new mini-book comes with additional pictures for the tutorial (not shown in the post) and even has extra "Tips from Toad" that will come in handy when you are making your owl!

The nice thing is that when you download the booklet you also get the pattern pieces in pdf form.  Then you can store, print, or do whatever you want with it,  but at least you'll have EVERYTHING TOGETHER and you will know where to find it!

How much you ask?  Merely $3.50. 
You can download, print, and love yours right now. 
Buy Now

So in not so many words...

What do you think?
Infomercial over.;)
{Made With Love}
Well, if you don't need a booklet that's fine.  Maybe these "Made With Love" printable are more up your alley.  Hey, I aim to please.;)

Click here to print these cute circles!
And if you're still not satisfied...well, I guess you'd better keep blog hopping.;)

But whatever you do, have a safe and Happy New Year!
XOXO-Emily +Emily Ashby

TY Printables & Christmas Besties

{Thank-you Printables}
Let us 1st give thanks.

I can't stop.  I love printables. Quick, simple, easy. 

These little notes saved us from a very painful evening of writing thank-you letters.  {Not painful to say thanks, but painful for our 6 year old to sit and write! Although being the mean parents that we are we told him if he didn't send thank-you notes he had to give back the gifts.:)}

I mean, how could we not say THANK-YOU!  Look at this face!

Want some? Here you go! You know I love you.

Click Here for this sheet:

These ones you'll have to write yourself, but I'm sure you can do it.:)

Click here for these:

{Best of Christmas 2010}
We were very blessed with many wonderful memories and thoughtful gifts this year. 
Here are a few highlights:

"Coming in at the top of my favorite gifts of 2010"...

Mr. Snowman with a lightsabor.  However, not far behind was a hair elastic that Ethan found and wrapped up for me.  He also wrapped up some old train books and gave them to Aidan.  Big hit.

"My favorite neighbor gift"...
I'd actually been wanting to do this for a while, and finally did it!  So far the feedback was great, although next time I may stick to a less-healthy version of the scones...once they cooled off they were not quite so appetizing...if you know what i mean.:)

{If you'd like the label in printable form {the round "Made With Love"} let me know in the comments.  I'll post it if anyone wants it.}

"Most excited for Christmas"...Ethan! 
He was up at 5:30 and ready to go...but unfortunately for him...we don't open presents until the sun comes up.;) 

Shopping for donuts and fun "eats" for Christmas couldn't be any more fun with this kid.  If he could have hopped into Santa's sleigh he would have. 

Star Wars.  What more can I say.

"Most Happy with 1 Toy"...Aidan.
This will come as no surprise to those of you who know this little man.  Trains rule his little world.

He played with this all morning and into the afternoon...

"My favorite Christmas Story"... Grandpa's Re-gift
I love this man.  I think of the world of him.  And he is one of the funniest guys I know! 

I talked to my sister Margo yesterday and she told me the best story.  My grandpa LOVES peanut M&M's. So on Christmas Eve my sister wrapped up a bag and gave them to grandpa.  On Christmas Day she noticed there was a present for her under the tree.  She opened it and guess what it was....a bag of peanut M&M's.  She looked at my grandpa and asked him if it was the same bag that she gave him.  He got my favorite little grin on his face and started chuckling. 

Oh man I love this guy.:)

{This picture was taken last year with my mom, dad, Ethan, and grandpa in the middle.}

"My favorite thing about Christmas"...Being with my boys.

Hope you had a great Christmas too! 

Oh What Fun!

'Twas days before Christmas with the kids out of school,
Ethan really, really wanted to do something cool!

Invitations were made and given with glee,
For the best Christmas party and cutest kids you ever did see!

Since he wanted his party to be loads of fun,
Ethan picked each activity with the Limbo being #1!

Games were a big hit with this little crew,
The tickling and laughing was another favorite too.

Filling Santa's sack was Ethan's great plan,
So we blindedfold each kid with a gift in their hand!

Sugar cookies were frosted and decorated with care,
And they soon disappeared right into thin air!

Little gift bags were lovingly given to all...

But the gift exchange is when they really had a ball!

When the party sadly came to an end,
They really showed how much they loved being friends...

When goodbye's were over Ethan was sad,
But was grateful for friends and the fun party he had!

"Wait For It" Printable {Inspired by Grandpa}

{No Peeking}
We have a problem in our home.  Sneaking and peeking. I've decided that this a problem that has been passed down from generation from generation for many, many years.  Why?  Because my 94 year old grandpa cannot wait to open any gift he is given.  {In fact, one year I send him a Christmas package addressed to my sister {who lived with him at the time} because I knew he wouldn't wait!}

Its been reported that he has already opened every gift mailed to him this year.  As you can imagine, its hard to fight that kind of DNA. 

Grandpa, this one's dedicated to you...;)

Here's my attempt at keeping our gifts "under wraps".

If you'd also like to encourage your loved ones to wait...good luck to you.  These tags may or may not help, but its worth a try!:)

Click here to print these tags!

{Tricked Ya'}
Yes, waiting can be SO hard.  So kudos to Ethan for figuring out a way to get around it.  He told me to open this envelope that had my name on it.  I opened it and this is what I received....

If your reading in phonetics is rusty, here's what this sweet card says:

"I will take care of Aidan." 

I know. So sweet.  I gave him the biggest hug and kiss a mother could give, and then asked him if that was my Christmas present.  He said, "Yeah! Tricked ya!"   Yes, he did.

Ethan may have tricked me into opening his gift, but I was totally authorized to open this gift early.;)  My thoughtful sister-in-law Mary ordered these tickets for us for Christmas!

Today was the day.  And it was AMAZING.

I {heart} David Archuleta.  Not in a swooning sort of way, but I think he is a pretty awesome guy.  His voice, his meekness, his testimony, his sense of humor, and okay fine...he is darn cute.

If you want to check out the concert you can click here. {Thanks to a fellow blogger who sent me the link!}

I'm convinced he has been blessed with the gift of music so that he could sing his testimony and feelings about the Savior.  As he sang this morning there was a special twinkle in his eye {I saw it on the jumbo screen;)} and a feeling in the words that he sang that was unforgettable.  Truth was taught through song & I loved every minute of it.

Even President Monson {The Prophet of our Church...kindof what the Pope is for the Catholic Church} commended him and the Mormon Tabernacle Choir and the awesome orchestra and dancers for their incredible talent and meaningful work.  My faith was strengthened by the entire experience.

I can't wait for all of you to hear the concert.  It will be broadcast next year on PBS and other TV and radio stations just like Natalie Cole was broadcast this year.

You won't want to miss this one.

{Good luck}
I guess patience is the theme of this post.  So don't be surprised if it turns out to be harder than you think.

And may the force be with you as you try to protect your packages from early opening predators...

Love ya. Toad:)

Snow Birdy + Every Minute Counts

{Heading South}
This little snow birdy is heading out.  Forget Utah and its chilly snow.  This owl gal is ready for fun in the the sun. Melissa  -my old sweet mission buddy and resident of AZ-  if you read this you'd better get ready! The owl I promised you months ago is on her way! 

I may be freezing, but sewing is such a warm, cozy activity on a cold winter nights.  Need a little project to work on as you listen to your happy holiday tunes?  Here's my easy pattern and tutorial for this sweet little birdy!

{24 HRS}
Yesterday we had a really great treat! Recognize these guys in the picture below?  Yes, that's the master of the blog Trey and Lucy--my sister in law Tanya.

The kids?  Trey and Lucy themselves.

Tanya's little brother married a gal from these parts and so they came out for the reception! Unfortunately, they could only stay for 24 hours, but we made of most of it!

As you can imagine, the kids couldn't get enough of eachother...

Even Aunt Margie and my other sister Stooph {not pictured} came up from Southern Utah for the festivites!

And those that know my family here's a game for you...guess which sibling this cute little guy belongs to:

If you said were WRONG.  This is Matt's little man Ezra. 
{And baby boy #2 is due in a few weeks!}

Though our time together was short, it was better than no time at all...

Toad's advice: If you're lucky enough to be with those you love during the holidays make the most of every moment! 

7 days and counting!