
I pretty much put myself out of the running for "Daugher of the Year" again. I had all of these great intentions to send my Dad all of these fun birthday things since we won't be there to celebrate---but instead he got a late birthday card with a gift certificate to Costco so he can go and buy a book. Yeah, I'm not so cool.

So to make up for it I'm going to wish tell my Dad how great he is on my blog. And he really is great.

One of my favorite memories of my Dad was when he would put me to bed at night. He would often make it fun by letting us sleep in a "tent" {blanks hanging} and would sing a few songs that have become very special tree. My faves were "Lemon Tree" & "Sing Terry O Day". Ethan likes to hear them now too.

And now he is making things special for my kids. He often mails little crafts, toys, or treats to the boys & you can imagine how much they LOVE it. Its hard for me to be living so far away from my dad. He is always so patient and understanding. {Maybe all those years of being a marriage and family therapist?:)}

Last summer the boys had a great time with him...

I love you Dad. I hope you can figure out how to read my blog so you can read this post. Thanks for everything.

Now, what's your favorite thing about or memory of my Dad? If you know this guy, you'd better speak up. Let's hear some good stories people!!:)


  1. I have many favorites about your dad but the one that comes to mind is his "Pull My Finger" shirt. Oh Bill.

  2. I have lot's of memeories..Bill following us around with his big video camera asking us to make funny faces and sing him a song, or him always trying to be Canadian and always using the word "eh" but he always used it wrong..soo funny! But I am sure my favorite memories are the magic shows he would always put on for us..Those were the days, uncle Bill was truly the greatest uncle Bill around!

  3. thanx bob!! ur the very VERY best!!!!!! keep in touch xoxoxoxoxo emily~ lucky duck
    Jon Wagstaff

  4. Coming to you live from Barstow Californiaaaa... El Mucho Grosso! Na na na na na...


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