{TT} Towel Skirt Tutorial

I've been wanting something cute to wrap around myself at the pool. I saw these cute towels at Costco and got a little idea bug in this crazy head of mine...

(Just remember I'm a novice. Since I've made this skirt I've actually made another one that I really like too (another post maybe?)...FYI both are EASY since I'm a beginner!(Sorry, no swimsuit picts people.)

Here's the skinny:

You'll need:
-A towel
-Some 1 1/2 inch non roll elastic
-Some super tough "sewing" velcro at least 1 inch wide (aka velcro that says you can sew it...we don't want any broken needles now!)
-Your kids to be napping or in bed!

1) Get a towel! If you have one you like already, grab it! I found these in a 2 pack at Costco.

2) Cut the "length" of your skirt. You can hold the towel up to your waist and then cut it off where you like it. Hint: Just remember that you'll need an extra 2 inches at the top for the elastic waist.

My towel was 34 inches so I just cut it in half to make this skirt 17 inches long.

3) Fold over the "rough" (aka unfinished edge you just cut) 2 inches. This will be the top of your skirt.

4) Sew it at 5/8 seam down the entire towel.

Lookin' good!
5) Now wrap that baby around you to figure out how much towel you'll actually need.

Do this by:

#1 Taking the finished edge and wrap it to your hip bone.

#2 Put your finger on the other hip bone on the towel underneath. This is where you will cut the towel off if there is excess material.

6) Cut the excess material from the towel off:

Nice job!

7) Now take your elastic and figure out how tight you want the skirt to be. Cut it where you'd like it. (Hint: Don't do it too tight or it will pull the velco too much when its done.)

8) Thread the elastic through the top of the towel.

9) Safety pin the elastic to the "finished" edge like this:

10) Pin the elastic at the other "rough" edge...

and fold the edge over like this:

11) Now pin the it all the way down the skirt.

12) Sew that baby all the way down the side! Hint: Be careful when it's thick...needles can be broken (ask me again how I know.):)

13) Now take out the safety pin & sew the elastic at the other end...

Gettin' closer!

14) Now its time to put on the velcro. Cut it approx. 2 inches long. Hint: If I could do it again I'd buy fatter (at least 1 inch wide), & tougher stuff so my skirt stays on better.

15) Now play with it. Hold the skirt up to yourself and figure out how tight you'd like the waist to be. Pin the velcro where you'd like it.
Hint: Put the soft side of the velcro facing "outward" and the "rough" side on the end where you'll wrap the towel around.

16) Sew the velcro on. I just followed the edges around it.

17) Nice work! Now go to the pool and show it off!:)

Questions or what me to make one for you? Email me at toadstreasures@gmail.com!

Another Open House!

We blessed to be able to tour the new Oquirrh Mountain Temple! My parents were visiting from Oregon and we had a great time.

It is a beautiful building with a special spirit there. For more info about what a Temple is you can click here. (A few months ago we went to the Draper Temple open house and I did an "informative" post.) I'm so grateful for the chance I have to be with my family forever!

{TT} Team Party

Ready, Set, Throw! How about a fun team party? Here are a few ideas for a "sports team" party!

{Ethan's soccer team party: Simple & Fun}

{The Spread}
The menu: Grilled hot dogs, fruit kabobs, string cheese, chips, water bottles with our team name on them, cookies on a stick and soccer cupcakes for dessert!

{The invites}

{Party Cookies}
I just made sugar cookies and baked them on a popsicle stick, wrapped them up, & put stickers on the outside. For more picts and the recipe I used click here.
What kids doesn't love a pinata?! We had a soccer ball pinata which was not only a great decoration, but the kids LOVED it. We decided (on account of rain outside) that we would just have the kids actually KICK the ball around until the candy came out. They LOVED it & so did we! We had them each take turns kick it to eachother and then into the wall to open it up.
{Party Bags}
Just brown paper bags! Totally easy, but cute. I attached a balloon to each bag & it was a hit. I printed out the soccer balls & stars on sheets of "label" paper, cut them out, and tah dah!

{Thanks for a great season Super Kickers!}
It was so great "coaching" these sweet little guys this season. Stay tuned! I'll post more about our season soon!

Cookies on a Stick: CHECK!

We get to cross our 1st thing off of our summer "live" list!

We made "cookies on a stick" for Ethan's soccer team party! (Picts of the party coming soon.) I wasn't quite sure how to do it so I just pulled out my "craft" popsicle sticks and went for it.
Here's the skinny:

This is the recipe I used. Its the BEST one I've found, its simple, & I love it.

Sour Cream Sugar Cookies
1 Cup Margarine
2 Cups Sugar
2 eggs
1 Cup Sour Cream
1 tsp vanilla
1/2 tsp baking soda
4 tsp baking powder
4 1/2 cups flour
1/2 tsp salt

Cream sugar and margarine together. Add the eggs, sour cream, & vanilla. Mix thoroughly. Add dry ingredients. Refrigerate. (Sometimes I do, and sometimes I don't...depends on if I have time. Its easier to roll out if its refrigerated-which reduces the risk of using too much flour to cut out the cookies.) Bake at 350F 10-12 minutes. (Don't over bake!)

*After I cut out the dough with the cookie cutters and just took a little extra dough and attached the popsicle stick.

Here's the frosting recipe I used. I picked this one because I read this great blog that suggested it because it hardens enough not to stick to the clear paper.

Happy Father's Day! 2009

We are so blessed to have such great Dad's in our lives. We love them. We are especially grateful for a loving Heavenly Father who has blessed our lives so much! Happy Father's Day!

{My Dad}

{The greatest Grandpa ever!}He'll be 93 July 8 & still goes golfing at least 2X a week and works in the temple everyday except Monday. Our GREAT example. I love him so much.

{Love the "dad" of our house!}

{Bob's Dad}

We also celebrated our little cousins 1st birthday today, and I thought these pictures were so great I couldn't help but post them...

{"Millies" 1st birthday}
{Older Sis} I loved that she was finding bugs barefoot, in her dress, with the flower in her hair.

{Aidan & Millie}

{So sweet} Happy Birthday!

A Peek in our Window

{He came,}

{he saw,}

{he conquered.}


{Oh boy}

{Joyschool "Water Party"}

{Green & Grey: Oregon anyone?}

{Towel Skirt Tutorial coming soon...!}