Ah, yes...Spring!
The great time of year when things start to become alive again.
A rebirth.
A precurser to warmer weather and days of outside fun.
2 things have ignited my excitement for spring this year...
#1) The crocous bulbs Ethan and I threw in the ground (as a last ditch effort last November) actually came up! A sign to me that no matter how weak my skills my maybe (in this case gardening) a loving Heavenly Father helps things work out the way they should be.
#2) A happy little boy (Ethan) discovered our small weeping willow trees sprout with these great little friends called "pussy willows". As seen here, "these guys" (as Ethan calls them) have a little house (the container), boat (the brown thing), rock, swimming pool (the blue ring underneath)...what more could a pussy willow or a 4 year old want?!
Hooray for Spring!!
That is sooo cute!!! I love little kidletts imaginations. I wish spring was sprunging hre but no such luck..-30 degree weather and snow!!!