My latest...Earwarmers! (And a Giveaway!:)

I've been a wild sewing woman! I actually find it gives me a sense of many things around here I start but never finish or see the results of what I do. But not with my little sewing projects!

YOUR DREAM COME TRUE...YOUR CHANCE TO WIN SOME EARWARMERS!:) I thought I'd reward those that have been so great to visit my little blog & giveaway one of my latest creations!

If you are already one of my "followers aka my peeps" (see the right hand side of my blog) you are automatically entered in the drawing. If you'd like a chance to win you can
#1) Add yourself as a follower (just click on follow this blog on the right side of my blog) or
#2)leave a comment letting me know you want to be in it.

FYI...If you win you get to pick the color, size (adult or child) & the cute little design on it.

Good luck!

PS If you'd like me to post how I made these let me know in the comments!

I'll have the drawing this weekend...


  1. Do we get extra entries in the drawing if we tell you how absolutely cute and adorable they are and what an amazing gift you have... etc. etc. etc.?

  2. Pick me! Pick me! I want to be in the drawing. They are soooooo cute, Em. Please do post how to make them. And I will remind you that I have two girls ... 8 and 5. Will that get me extra entries?? ;)

  3. love them! they ares so great toad. i the flowers and the hearts. love them all!

  4. I wil go in....I was coming here to tell you, you are a blogging machine!! I can never think of things to blog about.....But I love those things, I am so impressed with people who can sew or like to or can find the time to sit down and do it!! Good job Em....But put me in my girlies would love one.

  5. ok, I am now officially a follower and I'd love to win these cute little ear warmers. And if not, I'd love the play by play on how to make some of my own. You are quite the creative, crafty lady, Emily!

  6. Your ear warmers are so dang cute. I want to be int he drawing. It has actually been chilly hear the last few days.

  7. Count all my kids ears in!! And remember I have 4 kids 5 and under. That has to count for something doesn't it?? (Other than my insanity that is!!) Love them!! So cute.

  8. I'm impressed! You always do fun things/crafts with your kids and make yummy goodies too. Do you ever rest? And now a are the coolest!

  9. I love all the different flower earwarmers. How on earth do you find the time with such a little one at home?


Leave me some love!