Lucy's Dolly Blankie

I LOVE my niece Lucy. You won't find a more feisty, fun, sweet little gal.

Some people wonder if I would be sad if I never had a answer is no. I have Lucy.

I knew if anyone would be grateful for a little baby doll blanket made by a "not so expert" girl (aka me) it would be Lucy.

So I gathered a few pieces of scrap material & went to work...

I sewed a few pieces of fabric together...

And our little dolly blankie was done!

It's in the mail now--can't wait to hear how she likes it!:)


  1. look at your blankie..good job emily!(and Lucy is so cute.)

  2. it is so cute! she is going to die when she gets it!

  3. I think it looks better in pictures than it really is...

  4. You know, I never would have guessed all those years ago when we were mission companions that you would be so crafty! Were you just hiding it, or is it one of those things that has grown out of being a mom?

  5. So darling! I need to do more things like that!!


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