Lost my phone...

So...I can't find my cell phone. Yes-its a pain to lose it, but especially when your home phone doesn't ring. (Thanks to a certain 4 year old who shall remain nameless...and we are still trying to figure out how to fix it:). I figure if you are reading my blog then you might actually care.



  1. Seriously, the things we will laugh about when they get older eh??? Do you only have one land line phone in your house??? And good luck finding your phone, we just got a new one due to loosing ours.

  2. That sucks. "where is the last place a kid touched it" is where I would start looking for it. Hope you find it soon. Good luck!

  3. great...my cell phone has been dead since friday and my home phone doesn't ring and is dead as well. till me meet again toad.

  4. that's why you never answered yesterday. Do you have a car bike rack thing? And can i keep your bike in your garage again? I don't have room at my new place....


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