Great Grandma Smith
Aidan's great grandma Smith came from Cali to visit & see us! It was fun to have 4 generations together & we had a great visit. (Isn't she such a pretty lady? Hopefully we all age so well!)
Ethan loves his little brother...although I think he looks forward to more interactive play in the future! Aidan really quiets down when Ethan talks & sings to him. Its really sweet.
Our little sweetie
I changed the song on our blog to "A New Day Has Come" because I hear the words and think of this sweet little man that we have been blessed with. Everytime I hear the words I cry. (Yes, part of it may be postpardom, but it also hits so close to home.) It was a long 36 weeks and 6 days, but I wouldn't trade Aidan for the world.
PS Good thing they come so angelic...I figure we just pay for it in sleep!:)
Just couldn't resist taking this one. Look at his little feet. I love it.
PS Good thing they come so angelic...I figure we just pay for it in sleep!:)
Just couldn't resist taking this one. Look at his little feet. I love it.
We survived week 1!! (Barely)
Aidan Marden Ashby is here!
Yes! Aidan was born on Thursday August 7 at 6:57 PM & weighed 7 lbs. I actually woke up to my water breaking about 8 AM & there was no turning back! Labor wasn't too bad (with the epidural of course) & I only had push for 12 minutes!
Aidan was about 3 weeks early, but scored a 10 on his apgar test and is a fiesty little fellow. His name actually means "little fire". His middle name "Marden" is after my grandpa Robert Marden Johnson. (I'll have to do a post soon about what a great man he is.)
Aidan looks alot like Bob-except for his hair...its so thick & dark!(Although they both have hair that likes to stick up in the back!:) We are so excited to have him join our family!
Ethan's first look at his brother. Aunt Kathryn is holding Aidan. (Matt & Kathryn were so great to take off work and watch Ethan all day!) So far the adjustment hasn't been too bad...except that Ethan started to gag after watching me change a poopy diaper.:)
Great friends
Last week we got together with some great friends -Siri & Heather- that I met on my mission to New Jersey. I was actually blessed to be companions (companions=assigned to serve & live together) with both of them at different times. They are both women of great faith & are amazing examples to me. It was great to visit with them & Ethan had a great time playing with his new friends. Can't wait to see them again!