Can You Love Your Boys Too Much?

{A Mom's Love}
Is it possible to love your boys too much? I just came across these photos and my heart is about to burst. These boys are the best thing I've ever been a part of in my entire life. I had no idea that a mom could love her little ones so much. 

I can't help myself. 

Above: Aidan's last minute science project.  Below: Aidan decided to try musical theater this year. Ah. Love that kid.

All of the 1st graders were asked to give a report on an animal. Aidan wanted to give a power point presentation. (That may or may not have been a result of him coming to see me teach at the LDS Business College.)

Ethan. His gingerbread train. Love this kid.

At the Thanksgiving Lunch with Grandma Peggy.

I love these two. 

XO - Mom