Camera Bag for Women, Perfect for Summer Travel

There are only a few hours left, but I had to share this great deal with you!

Camera Coats + GroopDealz = Happy Cameras!

If you've ever left your camera behind because it "too much trouble" you must stop and listen.  (We all know how big and bulky traditional camera bags can be!) Camera Coats are the perfect solution...they are slim, waterproof, padded and ready to go whether you do. Seriously.

Now you can throw your camera into your carry on bag, purse, or hang it around your neck without worry! Never miss capturing that special memory with your camera again.

GroopDealz is offering 40% off for only a few more hours. If you miss the deal be sure to email me at & we'll see what I can do for faithful reader! :)

Watch for new styles and great deals here:

Instagram: @camera_coats
Pinterest: #cameracoats

Now, go for it! Summer is calling and your camera wants to capture it!
+Emily Ashby

1 comment:

  1. Wow! That is brilliant! And way more stylish than a regular camera bag too I must say! I might try this too! Thank you so much for sharing!

    Camera and Laptop Backpack


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