Queen Bee Market Fun!

{Come one, Come all!}
Camera Coats is heading to the Queen Bee Market again this spring!  If you happen to be in the Carlsbad area May 2 & 3 you are in for a real treat. These vendors knock themselves out with their booths and handmade products. 

Spread the word & come see us! 

XOXO, Emily
 +Emily Ashby

A Year In Review: Turning 39

Today I turn 39!  I know.  Why is it that the older you get the faster time goes?! 

This last year has been full of Camera Coats, Legos, TV segments, fencing, little trips, and...did I say Camera Coats? To remember this year I picked out a few highlights that I'd like to share with you. Lately my poor blog has not received the attention it deserves so I'm making amends starting right now.  I will expand with posts about these events in the next few weeks.  Grab your popcorn people...yes, I'm back. :)

(Photo: The boys and I featured on Fresh Living Ch 2 sharing a "Fun in the Snow" Segment.)

Coming soon: Our play by play tips and tricks of Legoland and the Legoland Hotel.  We've been huge Legoland fans for a few years now. You can see some of my previous posts about our Legoland visits, but more will come! We love Legoland!


Cars Land wasn't bad either. Our trick to a happy Disneyland experience is to leave Dad aka Bob at home. He hates spending so much money to stand in line.  The boys and I had a great time. :)

Fencing. I'm not an expert, but our little man is loving the sport. More to come.

Mom's Birthday Hike. Every year my mom picks a hike and all of the kids are invited to come! Because we live in Utah we haven't been able to hike with everyone...but last year we made the trip to Oregon and did it!

Timothy Lake Camping Trip. Mt. Hood Oregon. Highlight of the summer and the year.

20 year Reunion! Yes, we must have a recap of this great event...complete with before and after shots!

Family Beach Trip. Love it.

Boys + Mindcraft = True Love

Thanksgiving in Oregon.

TV Time. Regular TV segments have keep me on my toes this past year! KSLAM Ch 5 (NBC) morning news has been a lot of fun as well as KUTV Ch 2 Lifestyle Show, Fresh Living.

Coming soon will be a play by play on how I started these segments, how I get my ideas, and what its like getting up at 4 AM to get ready for segment! :) Here's a link to some of  Toad's Treasures TV segments from the past year.

And Camera Coats. Running a business is quite the experience. I'll expand on that soon as well.  But for now...I'm off to get some Diet Coke, homemade birthday cake, and enjoy the moment.

XOXO, Emily
 +Emily Ashby