TY Printables & Christmas Besties

{Thank-you Printables}
Let us 1st give thanks.

I can't stop.  I love printables. Quick, simple, easy. 

These little notes saved us from a very painful evening of writing thank-you letters.  {Not painful to say thanks, but painful for our 6 year old to sit and write! Although being the mean parents that we are we told him if he didn't send thank-you notes he had to give back the gifts.:)}

I mean, how could we not say THANK-YOU!  Look at this face!

Want some? Here you go! You know I love you.

Click Here for this sheet:

These ones you'll have to write yourself, but I'm sure you can do it.:)

Click here for these:

{Best of Christmas 2010}
We were very blessed with many wonderful memories and thoughtful gifts this year. 
Here are a few highlights:

"Coming in at the top of my favorite gifts of 2010"...

Mr. Snowman with a lightsabor.  However, not far behind was a hair elastic that Ethan found and wrapped up for me.  He also wrapped up some old train books and gave them to Aidan.  Big hit.

"My favorite neighbor gift"...
I'd actually been wanting to do this for a while, and finally did it!  So far the feedback was great, although next time I may stick to a less-healthy version of the scones...once they cooled off they were not quite so appetizing...if you know what i mean.:)

{If you'd like the label in printable form {the round "Made With Love"} let me know in the comments.  I'll post it if anyone wants it.}

"Most excited for Christmas"...Ethan! 
He was up at 5:30 and ready to go...but unfortunately for him...we don't open presents until the sun comes up.;) 

Shopping for donuts and fun "eats" for Christmas couldn't be any more fun with this kid.  If he could have hopped into Santa's sleigh he would have. 

Star Wars.  What more can I say.

"Most Happy with 1 Toy"...Aidan.
This will come as no surprise to those of you who know this little man.  Trains rule his little world.

He played with this all morning and into the afternoon...

"My favorite Christmas Story"... Grandpa's Re-gift
I love this man.  I think of the world of him.  And he is one of the funniest guys I know! 

I talked to my sister Margo yesterday and she told me the best story.  My grandpa LOVES peanut M&M's. So on Christmas Eve my sister wrapped up a bag and gave them to grandpa.  On Christmas Day she noticed there was a present for her under the tree.  She opened it and guess what it was....a bag of peanut M&M's.  She looked at my grandpa and asked him if it was the same bag that she gave him.  He got my favorite little grin on his face and started chuckling. 

Oh man I love this guy.:)

{This picture was taken last year with my mom, dad, Ethan, and grandpa in the middle.}

"My favorite thing about Christmas"...Being with my boys.

Hope you had a great Christmas too! 


  1. The fill in the blank is fabulous! Thanks so much for this, I'll be linking.

  2. Great idea! And I love this photo and this family. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas!

  3. These are perfect for my kiddos to use. Thank you for sharing.

  4. LOVE the fill in the blank thank you notes! I will be using those! And I would love the round label printable. I could definately use those!

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Leave me some love!