I'll be okay.

{Fabric & School}
Its a good thing I just picked up this...

to help get me through this...


I'm not sure who cried more.
I was emotional for a variety of reasons.
Aidan was emotional because he didn't get to ride the bus.

Don't worry. Ethan was fine, & had a great day.

"There is no greater good in all the world than motherhood. The influence of a mother in the lives of her children is beyond calculation."


  1. Kindergarten is such a big step! :-) Glad you made it through the day.. shopping does always help.

  2. I love fabric and crafts. My boy goes to school next year I dont even know what it will be like! thanks for stopping by, follow if you like!

  3. ohhh i can't believe ethan was on that bus...where did the time go? holy cow.

  4. ahhhh fabric (or a donut) can help me thru most anything!!

    my max could have gone to kinder this year, too, but i am waiting til next fall ... mostly to put off the tears a bit!!

  5. OH my...I cried when my first went to kindergarten too...now he's in second grade...my youngest started first..and I have one on the way...and I just cry about everything, haha!

    I LOVE that fabric...and your blog is so cute :) thanks for stopping by...I know you will make something super cute while your son is at school ;)

  6. i called ethan today. did he tell you? i love that kid. miss him.

  7. Em, I can't believe he started school. I bet he LOVED it. I hope to see more projects now that you have a little more time :)I miss you-we need to get together.

  8. Tear. Tug of heart strings.

    Hmmm ... fabric AND parties help!! Let's call Ginny!! :)

  9. Kindergarten! Oh my goodness! Have fun Ethan and good luck Emily!


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