Time warp, Owls, & my Top 10+

{Time Warp}

Why is it that it seems to take FOREVER to get to your vacation destination? Its like you can't even contain your excitement when you get there...

...and then, in a snap you're back home? If only I went to Hogwarts and learned how to slow down time.;)


16 of you will be happy that I'm back though! I've decided to give everyone who left a comment {for the owl pattern and drawing} a FREE Ms. Long Legs Epattern! {In time, the rest of you may also be happy I went on vacation because I came back with some new project ideas for traveling!}

So if you are one of the lucky 16--please email me {toadstreasures@gmail.com}, and I'll email you the epattern that I am selling on Etsy for Ms. Long Legs:

Also...the winner of this owl is AnneMarie! {Just email me with your address and we'll get her to ya!}
And speaking of making owls...

I have LOVED seeing some of the owls that have been made from the pattern I posted! {Thanks for the links guys!}

HelenClyde made a "project" out of it for her girls and their friends. Look how fun!! I totally remember being making little "projects" like this as kid. And you'll have to go to her blog to see the finished owls! {They are super cute.}

And over at The Thrifty Ba these sweet little guys turned out so great!

{My Top 10}

Now for those of you just biting your nails from anticipation of the details of our little trip!;) You can't have a family vacation without some good stories, crazy moments, and a few surprises!

My biggest and best surprise of the trip was that Tanya, Trey, Lucy, & my Dad decided LAST minute to hop in the car and drive 16+ hours from Oregon to play with us {and to visit Tanya's sister Chelsea}!! It was SO much fun!

{Don't mind my post "beach" hair and attire in this picture...and hopefully Tan won't be too mad at me for posting this picture of her--I think she looks great!:)}

And now my top 10 favorite pictures from the last week. {In no particular order...:)}


  1. Looks like soooo much fun, Disney land and cousins, it does not get much better then that!!!

  2. thanks for the linking! and glad you had a great vacation! that last photo is my favorite!

  3. It looks like you had a great time. HOw fun!

  4. Great Pictures Em! What a fun trip it looks like and a great surprise for you. I LOVE surprises like that!

  5. Ahhhh magical and so fun!! So glad you had a great time! I could use some of that California sun right now! =)

  6. Love the pictures. You are so good!!! i am glad you had fun too

  7. Good post and this mail helped me alot in my college assignement. Gratefulness you seeking your information.

  8. Great photos! I love the excitement in that second one :)

  9. SO cute! It looks like they had so much fun!

  10. over from trendy treehouse.. very cute pics! I love the top 10 photos of the week..


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