Don't judge me by my stitching...

As you read this post please do not judge me by my stitches, but the intent of what I was trying to create. ;)

I was up last night until 3 AM sewing and I am so excited about a few projects I just finished for the boys for Christmas that I have to blog about it. {This will be no surprise to anyone close to me...I'm not so great at keeping presents a secret.:)}
I do not claim to a seamstress by any means, but have been inspired by the GREATEST seamstress I sister in law Tanya. She posted about these bean bags she had made for Trey and Lucy and I LOVED them.

I told her how great they were, but how they would be too hard for me to make. {You see, I just got my 1st sewing machine for Christmas last year---7th grade sewing at Waldo Middle School was a long time ago. } However--as great friends do--she assured me I could make them and how great they would be for the boys to wake up to Christmas morning. That little imagine she painted in my crazy little head did the trick...

I can hardly wait until tomorrow morning! I love the fabric-Aidan's is made from Micheal Millers "Feeling Groovy" line and Ethan's is made from the "All Star" line of my new favorite designer: Riley Blake.

I show you these next photos because I think the fabric is so great. Ethan has been watching me sew car seat blankets, aprons, and other things all winter and has been begging me to make him a blanket. Finally his wish will come true...

Yes, Aidan got one too...

Have a wonderful holiday!


  1. Way to go. They look awesome!! Thanks for posting the Royal icing recipe . . . we used it today! Merry Christmas!

  2. You continue to amaze me! Have a great Christmas!

  3. They look awesome! Where did you buy your fabric from?

  4. I love them. You sound like me:D I made the same thing for my three girls 2yrs ago and was up all night/morning to finish them. What did you fill yours with? Just curious, I purchased larger bean bag fill wholesale and still did not have enough to keep them on the surface while they sat in them.


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