Tree Hunting & Reindeer Finding

When you are only 15 months old tree hunting is very exciting. They all look so big and beautiful & smell so great!

Big brothers also love to find trees...but they love running through them even more!

What's great is if you look carefully through the trees you might even see a REAL reindeer...

or an ginormous nutcracker!

And when you take a break from "hunting" its so fun to watch the reindeer and think about them pulling Santa's sleigh...

and think, "If they would only let us play with those great deer!" Don't you think a ride through the sky would be nice?

Well, even if you can't get a ride from the reindeer at least you can remember them with a nice picture. How about a great shot with Santa's deer in the background?

Um, or maybe not...

And if the trees cost $70 {gasp} at the tree place with the reindeer, just head for Lowe's. Then you can also ride in the cool car cart & push all of the buttons of the snowglobes. What fun!

It doesn't really matter where you get your tree as long as you were a good "hunter" and you LOVE the one you found. Right?!

And everyone in the family can help bring the tree home!

Just throw that tree in the back of a truck...

and have fun decorating it when you get home!

May your tree hunting adventures be full of fun & your decorating be lower than a toddler can reach!


  1. maybe the toddler grab zone made me laugh...a lot. Your Aidan seems so big! I think he and my Seth are about the same age, but Seth seems more baby...still not walking. Anyway, that tree place, holy canoli, is very cool. Cheers to your Christmas tree hunters.

  2. that toddler grab zone is so true! what to do with such a busy little guy i don't know.


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