Pipecleaners & Last Chances

{Pipecleaner Fun} ...a continuation of my last post of conference ideas...

Before I forget...here's one last "quiet" activity! I posted about it last May, but thought the pipecleaners would be another fun thing for this weekend! Here's a link for a "how to" for some fun creatures!. And the best part...you can pick pipecleaners up at the dollar store!:)

{Last Tball Game} What a fun season! Our last game was last night & even though it got a bit chilly these little guys were real troopers. Even Aidan had a good time riding around attached to me {Bob had to work, so we made the best of it.}

Being a "rookie" tball coach was great. My main goal was for the kids to have fun so they'd want to play again. Hopefully they did!

{Last Chances} When Ethan is doing something he shouldn't, I usually give him 1 warning and then he gets his "consequence" which is usually going to time out. Lately, when I give him his warning I'll say: "This is your last chance."

This kid is all heart. I guess I shouldn't have been surprised when he started thanking Heavenly Father for "last chances" in his prayers. Last night he said the sweetest prayer & here's few highlights:

"...thank-you for our clothes and socks, thank-you for Aidan that he can be good, please bless Grandpa Johnson to stay alive so we can see him one last time, thank-you for last chances, and for moms and dads..."

Gotta love these kids...no wonder we are suppose to "be like little children".

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