A Glimpse of our Christmas 2008

Christmas Eve:
Steph came over and we have a fun night eating our traditionals little sandwiches, opening pj's & a new family game, & putting out milk and cookies for santa.

Christmas Morning:
We woke up to beautiful snow flurries outside (the 1st time I've really seen it snowing on Christmas!)Ethan actually forgot that Santa came and was just playing in his room. Once we reminded him he ran downstairs and said,"There are way too many presents here.":)
I put in some cinnamon rolls and we started opening presents. Bob's parents braved the roads and showed up & stayed for a while. Ethan took his time opening each gift and then wanted to play with whatever it was (including Boggle). Usually the kids are the ones who want to open the gifts faster,but this year it was me.:)

Steph had to work at the hospital so we stopped by and had a little to eat with her before heading to Bob's sister Marilyn's house in Sandy.

Ethan with the Valentine cousins

After eating with the Valentines we headed back home to check on my parents flight in from Oregon. We weren't sure they would make it because of the weather. They ended up being one of the last flights they let land into SL! Its been so fun having them here with us!

We were blessed to have another wonderful Christmas together as a family. It was especially great to have Aidan with us this year!!

1 comment:

  1. ok that looks like so much fun! you are so good at thinking of all the little things. wish we were there! can't get enough of that picture of little man at the bottom! love that kid.


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