Our little sweetie

I changed the song on our blog to "A New Day Has Come" because I hear the words and think of this sweet little man that we have been blessed with. Everytime I hear the words I cry. (Yes, part of it may be postpardom, but it also hits so close to home.) It was a long 36 weeks and 6 days, but I wouldn't trade Aidan for the world.

PS Good thing they come so angelic...I figure we just pay for it in sleep!:)

Just couldn't resist taking this one. Look at his little feet. I love it.


  1. He is so sweet. I love the feet too! Aren't they so precious -- especially when they are sleeping.

  2. He is beautiful! I wish they could stay that small forever.

  3. a handsome little man. can't wait to meet him!

  4. He is a pretty dark baby. It reminds me of Sam. He's the brown version of Bob. Good luck on the sleep thing. Its too bad kids dont appreciate sleep like adults do

  5. So, so, so sweet! Jealous!!

  6. he is adorable. i can't wait to see him in real life. i hope you are all surviving.


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