Bob's Egg Hunt

After Ethan's egg hunt they had an adult one. Bob decided he'd try to get Ethan some more candy. As you watch the video keep an eye on our friend Michelle in the brown Bob beats her to some eggs! (I had to beg him to let me post it-The football player in him comes out whether he likes it or not!:)

"This is so exciting!"

Ethan met the Easter bunny today at his 1st egg hunt. All he could say was, "This is so exciting!"

Ethan's Energy

So much for getting a normal picture anymore. As soon as the camera comes out its "silly time" for this little guy.:) (And don't ask me what he's doing.)

For a bit of Ethan jumping off a diving board during his swimming lessons you can watch this short clip. This was orginally posted in Nov., but its kindof fun for those that haven't seen it.


Thanks for your sympathy

I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who gave me advice or sympathy for my morning sickness. It is nice to know I'm not alone, although my heart goes out to all of you who have it worse! I can't imagine... Luckily I'm gradually getting better now. I'm having more "good" pockets of time throughout the day and night which gives me great hope. With Ethan I was feeling pretty good by 20 weeks...only 4 more weeks until I'm there!! Thanks again friends and family for being so supportive, you guys are the best.

Just one day...

All of you that wake up and feel good all day...don't take it for granted!! I thought we were on the up and up with this sickness ordeal, but of course I had to have some more humble pie. (Which I would throw up by the way:) Tuesday was one of my worst days yet...but somehow I made it through. Forget the B6, unisom, zofran, promethazine, and regilin. I just want a day to feel decent again!! 15 weeks and counting...